Chapter 5. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in science

Ross D. King
Stephen Roberts

The world faces many global challenges, from climate change to antibiotic bacterial resistance. Solutions to many – if not all – of these challenges require augmented scientific knowledge. Until quite recently, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in science received little attention. In the words of Glymour (2004), “despite a lack of public fanfare, there is mounting evidence that we are in the midst of... a revolution – premised on the automation of scientific discovery”. Today, AI is regularly the subject of published reports in the most prestigious scientific journals, such as Science and Nature.

Nevertheless, the scientific community has a poor general understanding of AI. As with many new technologies, opinions polarise towards extremes, from “AI will revolutionise everything” to “AI will have no real impact”. The truth, of course, is somewhere in the middle; what is unclear is how close it is to either of the poles. Answering this question is made more complex by the complicated history of AI (Boden, 2006): since its inception in the 1950s, AI has gone through several cycles of enthusiasm and disillusionment.

What differentiates the current situation from previous AI “hype-cycles” is that the underlying computer technology has improved, there are vastly more data, AI is better understood, and – perhaps most importantly as a point of historical difference – the amount of corporate money being invested has increased, and large profits are being made from using AI. Some of the largest companies in the world (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Tencent, Baidu and Alibaba) have focused their businesses on AI. Taken together, these developments mean that AI will very likely have a huge and growing impact on the world.

As described in Box 5.1, AI has the potential to increase the productivity of science, at a time where evidence suggests research productivity may be falling and new ideas are harder to find (Bloom et al. 2017; Jones, 2005). The use of AI in science could also enable novel forms of discovery, enhance reproducibility and even wield philosophical implications on the scientific process. Three key technological developments are driving the recent rise of AI: vastly improved computer hardware, vastly increased data availability and vastly improved AI software. Several additional factors are also enabling AI in science: AI is well funded, at least in the commercial sector; scientific data are increasingly abundant; high-performance computing is improving; and scientists now have access to open-source AI code. Multiple examples show AI being used across the entire span of scientific enquiry. Furthermore, AI is being applied to all phases of the scientific process, including optimising experimental design.

At least one current obstacle to achieving the full potential of AI in science is economic. Computational resources, which are essential to leading-edge research in AI, can be extremely expensive. The largest computing resources – and the longest employee lists of excellent AI researchers – are frequently found not in universities or the public sector, but in the private sector. Private-sector work mainly focuses on generating profits, rather than solving outstanding scientific questions. A key policy issue concerns education and training in AI and machine learning (ML). Too few students are trained to understand the fundamental role of logic in AI; most data analysis taught to non-specialists in universities is still based on the classical statistics developed in the early 20th century.

This chapter outlines the technologies driving the recent rise in AI. It describes the promises of AI in science, illustrating its current uses across a range of scientific disciplines. Later sections raise the question of explainability of AI and the implications for science, highlighting gaps in education and training programmes that slow down the rollout of AI in science. The chapter finishes with a vision of AI and the future of science.

Three technological drivers are behind the recent rise of AI:

  • Faster computers: the modern computer age has been shaped by the exponential increase in computer speeds, in line with “Moore’s Law”. This means that the supercomputing power needed to beat the world champion (Gary Kasparov) at chess for the first time in 1996 can now fit in a standard mobile phone. To keep up with demand for ever-greater computing power, manufacturers have created a wealth of innovations over the past decades, from multithreading multicore central processing units to large-scale graphics processing units. AI partly owes its recent achievements to the pace of computing advances, allowing AI algorithms to explore complex solutions to large-scale problems. Indeed, some of the most publicised achievements of modern AI, such as playing the game of Go better than any human expert, would not have been possible without vast high-speed computing resources.

  • The scale of data: with the advent of cheaper sensors, telemetry equipment, ultra-fast computing and cheap data storage at scale, science has undergone a paradigm shift. In a collection of essays published as The Fourth Paradigm, Hey et al. (2009) argue that experimental science has undergone a fundamental change. The era of direct experimentation is gone, replaced by the era of data collection. Rather than perform science directly, experiments are designed to record and archive data at an unprecedented scale. Science, namely the evidence-based audit trail of the reasoning of discovery, then takes place within the data. In this sense, much of traditional science has become data science. For most of human history, scientists have observed the universe and the natural world, postulating laws or principles to help generalise the complexity of observations into simpler concepts. Deriving such generalisations from data is akin to finding a hidden structure that is highly explanatory and as such, amenable to intelligent automation.

  • Improved AI software: significant advances in AI software have taken place in recent years, especially in ML, and more particularly the branch of ML known as deep learning (DL) (Box 5.2).

AI systems are now capable of superhuman reasoning. They can accurately remember vast numbers of facts, execute flawless logical reasoning and near-optimal probabilistic reasoning, learn more rationally than humans from small amounts of data and learn from large amounts of data no human could deal with. These abilities give AI the potential to transform science by augmenting human scientific reasoning (Kitano, 2016). ML and AI have the potential to contribute to science in several key ways: finding unusual and interesting patterns in vast datasets; discovering scientific principles, invariance and laws from data; augmenting human science; and combining with robotic systems to yield “robot scientists”. The following paragraphs describe key contributions in more detail.

One motivation for investing in AI for science is that AI systems “think differently”. Human scientists – at least all modern ones – are educated and trained in basically the same way; this is likely to impose unrecognised cognitive biases in how they approach scientific problems. AI systems have very different strengths and weaknesses than human scientists. The expectation is that combining both ways of thinking will provide synergies. Indeed, the evidence from human-software symbiosis has shown that the fusion of automated and human exploration of complex systems can yield efficient and effective solution discovery (Kasparov, 2017).

AI systems and human scientists have complementary reading skills. Human scientists can understand papers in detail (although such understanding is limited by the ambiguities inherent in natural languages), but can only read and remember a limited number of papers. By contrast, AI systems can extract information from millions of scientific papers, but the amount of detail that can be abstracted is severely limited (Manning and Schütze, 1999).

Automating science also has major philosophical implications. If an AI-based mechanism can be built that is judged to have discovered some novel scientific knowledge, then this will shed light on the nature of science (King et al., 2018). To quote Richard Feynman “What I cannot create, I do not understand” (written on his blackboard at the time of his death). Building robot scientists, for example, entails the need to make concrete engineering decisions related to several important problems in the philosophy of science. For instance, is it more effective to reason only with observed quantities, or to also involve unobserved theoretical concepts? This engineering-based approach to understanding science – shedding light on the discovery process by attempting to replicate it through machine processes – is analogous to the AI approach to understanding the human mind through the creation of artefacts (such as machine learning systems using artificial neural networks) that can be empirically shown to possess some of its attributes. Making machines that physically implement different philosophies of science enables empirical comparison of these philosophies. Currently, philosophers of science are generally limited to historical analysis.

The convergence of AI and robotics has many potential benefits for science. It is possible to physically implement a laboratory-automation system that exploits techniques from the AI field to execute cycles of scientific experimentation. The execution of cycles of scientific research is a general approach applicable in many fields of science. Fully automating science has several potential advantages:

  • Faster scientific discovery. Automated systems can generate and test thousands of hypotheses in parallel, utilising experiments that test multiple hypotheses. Human beings’ cognitive limitations mean they can only consider a few hypotheses at a time (King et al., 2004; King et al., 2009).

  • Cheaper experimentation. AI systems can select experiments utilising greater economic rationality (Williams et al., 2015). The power of AI offers very efficient exploration and exploitation of unknown experimental landscapes, and leads the development of novel drugs (Griffiths and Hernandez-Lobato, 2017; Segler et al., 2018), materials (Frazier and Wang, 2015; Butler et al., 2018) and devices (Kim et al., 2017).

  • Easier training. Including initial education, a human scientist requires over 20 years and huge resources to be fully trained. Humans can only absorb knowledge slowly through teaching and experience. Robots, by contrast, can directly absorb knowledge from each other.

  • Increased and more productive work. Robots can work longer and harder than humans, and do not require rest or holidays.

  • Improved knowledge/data sharing and scientific reproducibility. One of the most important current issues in biology – and other scientific fields – is reproducibility. A 2016 edition of Nature observed that: “There is growing alarm about results that cannot be reproduced. Explanations include increased levels of scrutiny, complexity of experiments and statistics, and pressures on researchers” (Alexander et al., 2018). Robots have the superhuman ability to record experimental actions and results. These results, along with the associated metadata and employed procedures, are automatically recorded in full and in accordance with accepted standards, at no additional cost. By contrast, recording data, metadata and procedures adds up to 15% to the total costs of experimentation by humans. Moreover, despite the widespread recording of experimental data, it is still uncommon to fully document the procedures used, the errors made and all the metadata.

Laboratory automation is now essential to most areas of science and technology, but is expensive and difficult to use. The high expense stems from the low number of units sold and the market’s immaturity. Consequently, laboratory automation is currently used most economically in large central sites, and companies and universities are increasingly concentrating their laboratory automation. The most advanced example of this trend is cloud automation, where a very large amount of equipment is gathered in a single site, where biologists send their samples and use an application programming interface to design their experiments.

Little research has been done on working scientists’ attitude to AI, or the sociological and anthropological issues involved in human scientists and AI systems working together in the future. Compared to humans, AI systems possess a mixture of super- and sub-human abilities. Computers and laboratory robots have traditionally been used to automate low-level repetitive tasks, because they have the super-human capacity to work near flawlessly on extremely repetitive tasks for days at a time. In comparison, humans perform badly at repetitive tasks, especially during extended periods. However, AI systems are sub-human in their adaptability and understanding, and human scientists are still unequalled in conditions that require flexibility and dealing with unexpected situations; they are especially endowed with intuitive functions that might otherwise have been considered low level (King et al., 2018). Given AI systems’ mixture of super- and sub-human abilities, investigating how human scientists co-operate with their AI counterparts can be informative. These relationships occur at many levels, from the most profound (deciding on what to investigate, structuring a problem for computational analysis, interpreting unusual experimental results, etc.) to the most mundane (cleaning, replacing consumables, etc.). The growing use of AI systems in science is also expected to profoundly change some sociological aspects of science, such as knowledge transmission, crediting systems for scientific discoveries and perhaps even the peer-review system.1 Most of the current methods for establishing scientific authority (peer-review, conference plenaries, etc.) are inherently social and designed for human scientists. If AI systems become common in science, such established knowledge-making institutions might have to change to ensure continued academic credibility (King, 2018).

In many scientific disciplines, the ability to record data cheaply, efficiently and rapidly allows the experiments themselves to become sophisticated data-acquisition exercises. Science – the construction of deep understanding from observations of the surrounding world – can then be performed within the data. For many years, this has meant that teams of scientists, augmented by computers, have been able to extract meaning from data, building an intimate bridge between science and data science. More recently, the sheer size, dimensionality and rate of production of scientific data have become so vast that reliance on automation and intelligent systems has become prevalent. Algorithms can scour data at scales beyond human capacity, finding interesting new phenomena and contributing to the discovery process. Box 5.3 shows examples of AI applications in several research fields.

Many examples of vast-scale algorithmic science projects exist in the physical sciences. The Square Kilometre Array, a radio telescope network currently under construction in Australia and South Africa, will generate more data than the entire global Internet traffic per day when it goes on line. Indeed, the project is already streaming data at almost one terabyte per second. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, discovered the elusive Higgs boson in data streams produced at a rate of gigabytes per second. Meteorologists and seismologists routinely work with global sensor networks that are heterogeneous with regard to their spatial distribution, as well as the type, quantity and quality of data produced. In such settings, problems are not confined to the volumes of data now produced. The signal-to-noise ratio also matters: signals may only provide biased estimates of desired quantities; furthermore, incomplete data complicate or hinder the extraction of automated meaning from data. Data rate alone is hence not the core problem. Data cleaning and curation are of equal importance.

Addressing the issue of which data and algorithm to employ leads to the issue of intelligently selecting experiments, both to acquire new data and to shed new light on old data. Both these processes can be – and often are – automated. The concept of optimal experimental design may be old, but modern equivalents bring smart statistical models to enable each data run and algorithm choice to maximise the informativeness gained. Moreover, this optimisation process can consider the costs associated with data recording and computation, enabling efficient and optimal experimentation within a given budget.

In standard ML, the learning algorithm is given all the examples at the start. Active learning is the branch of ML where the learning algorithm is designed to select examples from which to learn; this is a more efficient form of learning. There exists a close analogy between active learning and the process scientists use to select experiments. Active learning proceeds by using existing knowledge to propose where most knowledge will be obtained from a future measurement; the measurement is then taken at this location. Scientific experimental design follows a similar process, with future experiments selected to plug gaps in existing knowledge or test existing theories. Experimental results then help form a better understanding, and so the process repeats. Indeed, scientists do not typically wait patiently and form theories from what they observe; rather, they actively conduct experiments to test hypotheses. Work in active learning (King et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2015) offers an efficient method for balancing the cost of experimentation with the rewards of discovery.

Active learning is a special case of a more generic methodology, Bayesian optimisation and optimal experimental design (Lindley, 1956), which provides an elegant framework for optimally balancing exploration and exploitation in the presence of uncertainty. Bayesian optimisation is at the core of modern approaches. The incorporation of probability theory into experimental design allows algorithms not just to decide where knowledge might be maximised, but also to reduce the uncertainty associated with regions of “experiment space” that are sparsely populated with results. This enables Bayesian experimental approaches not just to “exploit” areas of valuable results, but also to explore hitherto un-investigated experiments.

Inscrutability in ML decision-making is commonly cited in discussions of AI as a source of possible concern. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, in the United States, is funding 13 different research groups, working on a range of approaches to make AI more explainable. However, a problem of inscrutability exists in some areas of science – particularly mathematics – independently of the role of machines. Andrew Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s last theorem ran to over 100 pages and took many mathematicians many years to verify. Will this problem of inscrutability become more salient in science as AI becomes more widespread?

One of the core goals of science is to increase knowledge of the natural world through the performance of experiments. This knowledge should be expressed in formal logical languages. Formal languages promote semantic clarity, which in turn supports the free exchange of scientific knowledge and simplifies scientific reasoning. The use of AI systems allows formalising in logic all aspects of a scientific investigation.

AI can, in fact, be used to help formalise scientific argumentation involving many research units (segments of experimental research) and research steps. Making experimental structures explicit renders scientific research more comprehensible, reproducible and reusable.

A major motivation for formalising experimental knowledge is that it can be reused more easily to answer other scientific questions. Many modern AI and ML models can be used to infer the importance of observations, measurements and data features. This insight is often more valuable to scientists than the outcome variables from the models. Techniques such as local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME), for example, offer a good way of explaining the predictions of ML classifiers. LIME can examine “what matters” in the data, by selectively perturbing input data and seeing how the predictions change. Even with the use of DL techniques, if a scientist needs complete audit trails then excellent approaches exist, for example based upon boosted decision trees (a method using multiple decision trees that are additive, rather than averaged).

A key policy issue concerns education and training. Modifications of the education system often take place at a much slower pace than many other societal changes. Many subjects still taught to children seem more appropriate to the 19th century than the 21st. Three main traditional subjects underlie an understanding of AI: logic, data analysis (statistics) and computer science. Despite being fundamental to reasoning and having a 2 400-year history, logic is currently not taught in schools in most countries, and is almost not taught at all in universities, outside of specialised courses in computer science and philosophy. This means that few students are trained to understand the fundamental role of logic in AI.3

The analysis of data is as fundamental a subject as logic, but is also little taught in schools. Most data analysis currently taught to non-specialists in universities is still based on the classical statistics developed in the early 20th century. It deals with such topics as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and simple optimisation methods – the forms of data analysis also most often reported in scientific papers. However, this type of data analysis presents philosophical and technical problems (Jaynes, 2003).

An even greater problem is that data analysis is taught in a way that resembles more cooking than science: in the presence of data in a form that looks like X, then a t-test should be applied at a 5% one-tail confidence level; if the data are in form Y, then an F-test should be applied at a 1% two-tail confidence level, etc. Unfortunately, such courses convey little understanding of fundamental concepts, meaning that few students understand the fundamentals of data analysis needed for ML. Students should learn about Bayesian statistics and computational intensive methods based on resampling to better understand the reliability of conclusions.

Computer science education has not kept pace with the importance of AI to society. Computer science has also been conflated with “information technology skills” (Royal Society, 2017). Another problem is that in Western countries (as opposed to many developing countries), female students are far outnumbered by male students. It would be very worrisome if this low share were to transfer to the applications of AI in science (Chapter 7).

A general skill shortage also exists in AI. This creates a need for master’s conversion courses to transform graduates in other disciplines into scientists qualified to work at the AI/science interface, as well as more PhD positions at that interface. The independent report “Growing the AI Industry in the UK” (Hall and Pesenti, 2017) articulated how the UK Government and industry can work together to build skills and infrastructure, and implement a long-term strategy for AI, and recommended funding to reach these goals.

Despite the impressive performance of AI in many areas, the need still exists to transfer methods that perform well in constrained, well-structured problem spaces (such as game playing, image analysis, text and language modelling) to noisy, corrupted and partially observed scientific problem domains. The problems DL approaches encounter with small (and noisy) datasets compound this issue. Creating a realistic approach that works across all data scales, from data-sparse environments to data-rich environments, requires yet more innovation (Box 5.4). Probabilistic models do offer such capacities, although Bayesian DL is still in its infancy.

Although they offer impressive performance, many AI approaches provide little in the way of transparency regarding their function. Auditing the reasoning behind decision-making is required in many application domains. For practical systems, where AI makes decisions about people (for example), such an audit trail is essential. Furthermore, few AI algorithms can offer formal guarantees regarding their performance. In safety-critical environments, the ability to provide such bounds and verify failure modes when faced with unusual data is a prerequisite. Some research in this area is already under way, though not commonplace.

It is to be hoped that the collaboration between human scientists and AI systems will produce better science than can be performed alone. For example, human/computer teams still play better chess than either does alone. Understanding how best to synergise the strengths and weaknesses of human scientists and AI systems requires a better understanding of the issues (not just technical, but also economic, sociological and anthropological) involved in human/machine collaboration.

Arguably, advances in technology and the understanding of science will drive the development of ever-smarter AI systems for science. Hiroaki Kitano, President and CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, has called for new Grand Challenge for AI: to develop an AI system that can make major scientific discoveries in biomedical sciences worthy of a Nobel Prize (Kitano, 2016). This may sound fantastical, but the physics Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek (2006) is on record as saying that in 100 years’ time, the best physicist will be a machine. If this vision of the future comes to pass, this will not only transform technology, but humans’ understanding of the universe (Box 5.5).

The laws of science are compressed, elegant representations offering insight into the functioning of the universe. They are ultimately developed through logical (mathematical) formulation and empirical observation. Both avenues have seen revolutions in the application of ML and AI in recent years. AI systems can formulate axiomatic extensions to existing laws. The wealth of data available from experiments allows science to take place in the data. Science is rapidly approaching the point where AI systems can infer such things as conservation laws and laws of motion based on data only, and can propose experiments to gather maximal knowledge from new data. Coupled with these developments, the ability of AI to reason logically and operate at scales well beyond the human scale creates a recipe for a genuine automated scientist.


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← 1. One of the co-authors of this chapter, Ross King, has himself had the experience of wishing to give a robot scientist – Adam – credit as a co-author of a scientific paper, but encountered legal problems, as the lead author needed to sign a declaration stating that all the authors had agreed to the submission. A counter-argument is that not giving machines credit constitutes plagiarism.

← 2.

← 3. The central role of logic is set out in leading AI textbooks, such as Russell and Norvig (2016).

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