6. Nuevo León’s Action Plan to Implement the Recommendations of the OECD Review

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Clarify the council and the centre of government’s respective responsibilities on strategic planning (notably the Executive Office of the Governor and the Secretariat of Finance) with a view to strengthening capacities for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policy priorities.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Strengthen the Nuevo León council’s role as an advisory body and strategic knowledge broker, moving it away from implementation and monitoring.

  1. 3. Proposal for action. Strengthen Nuevo León’s centre of government, with a specific mandate and resources to enable its function in terms of coordination and monitoring.

  1. 1. Develop a new methodology for the revision of the Plan, which includes participatory methods for problem analysis and diagnostic.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Clearly communicate, in the Plan itself, the reasons behind the selection of the strategic objectives in order to ensure support within and outside the administration.

  1. 3. Proposal for action. Present the Plan to the commissions and the governor for validation.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Redefine opportunities areas as strategic objectives. Clarify the strategic objectives areas under each commission and reduce the overall number of strategic objectives.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Homogenise the number of strategic objectives in each chapter of the Plan.

  1. 3. Proposal for action. Improve the coherence and quality of indicators used to measure the results of the Strategic Plan.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Adopt a comprehensive definition of monitoring and clarify the roles of the key actors, including the council and the state public administration.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Set up a performance dialogue within the state public administration at the level of line ministries and of the centre of government (CoG), regarding both the SP and the SDP simultaneously.

  1. 3. Proposal for action. Conduct an annual joint review of the State Development Plan and Strategic Plan objectives and indicators between the council’s thematic commissions and the secretariats.

  1. 1. Plan of action. Increase the state public administration’s capacities to monitor the Strategic Plan.

  1. 2. Plan of action. Develop quality assurance mechanisms in addition to the current quality control mechanisms in place.

  1. 1. Plan of action. Update the Avanza Nuevo León platform with indicators from the Plan, at regular intervals (e.g. indicators for three opportunity areas every year), based on the theory of change and the information available. Promote the development of a performance narrative in the monitoring dashboards in order to promote the uptake of performance information by decision-makers.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Adopt a comprehensive definition of evaluation applicable to whole-of-government.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Develop a policy framework for the evaluation of the Strategic Plan that includes a description of the different types of evaluation and evidence reviews to be carried out, the timeline against which each of these should be carried out, and the resources dedicated to them.

  1. 3. Proposal for action. Develop appropriate evaluation competencies in the council.

  1. 1. Plan of action. Develop explicit and systematic quality assurance mechanisms within the council to ensure the credibility of the evaluation process.

  1. 2. Plan of action. Develop explicit and systematic quality control mechanisms to ensure that the evaluation design, planning, delivery and report are properly conducted to meet pre-determined quality criteria.

  1. 1. Plan of action. Design a communication strategy to adapt the way in which research findings are presented to their potential users.

  1. 2. Plan of action. Incorporate the use of evaluations in the policy-making cycle.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Strengthen the leadership role of the council as part of Nuevo León policy advisory system, with a broader whole of government perspective.

  1. 2. Proposal for action. Foster inclusiveness and expertise in the council’s decision-making process.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Implement knowledge brokering methods in the council, to promote the impact and use of evidence.

  1. 1. Proposal for action. Develop individual, organisational and institutional approaches for evidence-informed policy-making in the state public administration.

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