Annex A. Main agro-industrial organisations in Argentina

Agricultores Federados Argentinos (AFA). AFA was created in 1932 and is the main agricultural first level co-operative in Argentina and one of the largest in Latin America. AFA is formed by 36 000 member producers, 1 600 permanent employees in 26 Primary Centres, which together with the Sub-Centres, Offices and Representations have a presence in 130 locations in nine Argentine provinces: Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Rios, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Salta, Tucumán and San Luis. AFA stockpiles around 5 million tonnes of agricultural production per year, has a storage capacity of 3 million tonnes and more than 220 trucks. It also provides a diverse range of services throughout the year and to its members. In recent years, it has supported projects aimed at adding value to primary production, deepening processes of industrialisation of raw materials and agro-inputs, as well as generating new services for collection and commercialisation.

Asociación Argentina de Consorcios Regionales de Experimentación Agrícola (AACREA). AACREA was founded in 1957 by a small group of agricultural farmers with the idea of sharing experiences on different production systems. These farmers created the first Regional Consortium for Agricultural Experiments (CREA). Its main objective is to help its members to become economically and environmentally sustainable through the provision of technical assistance and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, it promotes testing and adoption of new technology among its members. Experimentation, capacity building and technology transfer are some of its main actions. It promotes exchanges and collaboration with national and international experts. Finally, it collects, processes and analyses information, and makes it available to its members.

Asociación Argentina de Girasol (ASAGIR). ASAGIR is a non-profit civil association to promote and develop sunflower production and its by-products, and to promote the sunflower business. The association was created in 2004 and it integrates more than 20 main actors of the value chain at the level of inputs, primary production, marketing and storage, industry and scientific-technological members. As a priority objective, the association develops actions to ensure the competitiveness of the sunflower production and its derivatives, through the organisation and promotion of research and development activities of sunflower and its by-products, as well as those related to its production, industrialisation, promotion and commercialisation.

Asociación Argentina de Trigo (ARGENTRIGO). ARGENTRIGO represents agro-industrial wheat production. The association is formed by all actors of the wheat value chain, such as research and genetic institutes, agrochemicals, production, industry – manufacturing, storage, transport, export, and marketing services. Its main objective is the promotion and development of wheat production and its derivatives to enhance the profitability of the wheat value chain, in collaboration with government and private and public-private entities, through research, production, processing, commercialisation and marketing. It was created in 2004 and comprises 44 members (corporations, academic institutes, agroindustry, etc.).

Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas (ACA). An organisation of co-operatives, ACA was created in 1922. ACA is made up of 150 agricultural co-operatives, equivalent to 50 000 producers, and represents a fundamental part of the Argentine agro-industrial value chain. The 150 co-operatives are present in 600 locations across the country in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Chaco, Entre Rios, La Pampa, Río Negro, Santa Fe and Santiago del Estero. ACA provides different services to its members, including commercialisation, input provision, credit, transportation and storage.

Asociación de la Cadena de la Soja Argentina (ACSOJA). ACSOJA is a non-profit civil association that was created in 2004 to represent soybean producers. It aims at improving the competitiveness of the soybean supply chain, by creating research and studies of key priorities of the chain. ACSOJA, promotes the scientific-technical research in production and industry areas, as well as commercialisation (by generating new external markets) of the high-quality by-products of soybean. ACSOJA, tries to develop new process and technologies and promotes the formation of ventures on the current and new uses of soybean. The organisation also interacts with public and private entities and organisations to encourage collective actions for a better social impact.

Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa (AAPRESID). The association of no-till producers, AAPRESID is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, integrated by a network of agricultural producers that, based on their interest in soil conservation, adopted and promoted the diffusion of the no-till production system. AAPRESID was created in 1989 and is a key player in the dissemination and adoption of No-Till in Argentina. Its main objective is to promote sustainable production systems of food, fibre and energy, through innovation, science and network knowledge management. AAPRESID promotes the exchange of knowledge, opens up its fields to producers to observe production systems, participates in technical trials, maintains strong international connections, and interacts with public and private organisations to achieve an integral development of the sector. Its actions respond to challenges of sustainable agricultural development such as environmental protection, more and better food systems, and new sources of renewable energy. By 2016 around 34 million hectares of the main grains in Argentina are under the no-till production system.

Asociación de Productores Exportadores Argentinos (APEA). APEA is a non-profit association of beef producers and exporters that was created in 2003, but its roots date back to the 1930s. Its main objective is to carry out any type of promotional, technical, scientific, research or administrative activity that supports the commercial activity of beef exports. Members include non-profit civil beef associations, beef co-operatives, breeders associations, and groups of beef producers.

Asociación Maíz Argentino (MAIZAR). MAIZAR brings together stakeholders of the scientific, productive, commercial, industrial, food and export chains of corn and sorghum. MAIZAR has over 120 plenary or adherent members (associations, chambers, organisations, stock exchange boards, universities, agro-industries, public institutions, etc.) promoting the production of maize and sorghum. Created in March 2004, MAIZAR’s main objectives are to increase efficiency of the corn value chain by improving the competitiveness of the companies and institutions of the corn and sorghum chains; and to promote economic and social development in areas where the corn and sorghum value chains exist.

Cámara de la Industria Argentina de Fertilizantes y Agroquímicos (CIAFA). CIAFA was created in 1990. Its main objective is to coordinate companies that manufacture, formulate, market and distribute fertilisers, phyto-sanitary products and their additives and/or components, as well as seeds, biological products and any other product related to sanitary issues or agricultural improvement. CIAFA is a main reference of the agrochemical industry in Argentina, grouping most of the companies that synthesise and formulate phyto-sanitary products and fertilisers in the country.

Cámara de la Sanidad Agropecuaria y Fertilizantes (CASAFE).CASAFE is a business association that represents the Crop Science Industry and its partner companies. It is in charge of the requirements of the industry, within the national and international legal framework, on issues such as the promotion of good agricultural practices and responsible management of plant protection products. It also supports the sustainability of the phyto-sanitary products business based on three pillars: the environment, technology and institutional relations.

Centro de la Industria Lechera (CIL). CIL is a non-profit business association of a civil nature, which brings together small, medium and large dairy industries, wholesalers and milk producers. It was founded in 1919. The fundamental objectives pursued by CIL are: fostering the spirit of association among its members; contributing to the legislation related to the milk subsector that supports the economic progress of the agroindustry; improving scientific-technical capacity of all its members; disseminating scientific and technical knowledge; and boosting, channelling and advising the production and commercialisation of dairy products. At present, CIL associates the largest actors in the sector, who process between 65% and 70% of the industrialised milk in the country.

Comisión Nacional Asesora de Biotecnología Agropecuaria (CONABIA). Since 1991, Argentina regulates activities related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for agricultural use. To this end, the National Advisory Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology (CONABIA, Resolution 124/91) was created as an evaluation and consultation body within the remit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP). At the beginning, CONABIA was in charge of the entire regulatory and evaluation process, with the administrative support of an area of the SAGyP called Technical Co-ordination of the CONABIA and then the Biotechnology Office. As these activities increased and became more demanding, CONABIA and the Biotechnology Office increased their roles. Both CONABIA and the Biotechnology Office aim to guarantee the biosecurity of the agroecosystem. For this, they follow-up, analyse and pre-evaluate the applications submitted to develop activities with GMOs. Based on scientific and technical information and quantitative data regarding the biosecurity of the GMO, they issue non-binding opinions jointly with the Secretariat of Agroindustry, the Application Authority, which authorises the requested activities.

Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME). In July 1956, the Argentine Confederation of Medium-sized Enterprises (CAME) was created to discuss collective labour agreements in the commercial sector. CAME is a business association that represents 1 544 federations, chambers, centres and business unions. Through the sectors of Industry, Commerce, Regional Economies, SMEs-Young (CAME-Jóven), Women Entrepreneurs (Mujeres Empresarias), and Tourism programmes, they gather more than 600 thousand SMEs that employ around 4 200 000 registered workers. CAME’s main objectives are: to channel the different problems linked to the primary productive sector in order to provide concrete solutions, and to formalise policies and concrete proposals through regional meetings and sectoral workshops to address the different demands of producers.

Confederación Intercooperativa Agropecuaria Limitada (CONINAGRO). Founded on 18 September 1956, CONINAGRO is an organisation that brings together ten federations of co-operatives that, in turn, represent 120 000 agricultural farmers. The main objective of CONINAGRO is to have direct contact with the government on all issues relating to agricultural production co-operatives. Those co-operatives look after the economic interests of their members and provide different types of services, such as financial, extension, marketing services, and others.

Confederaciones Rurales Argentinas (CRA). CRA was founded in 1943. It is formed by 16 confederations and federations, which are, in turn, integrated by more than 300 rural societies throughout the country. In total, just over 109 000 agricultural producers (small, medium, and large scale) are represented through the actions of CRA. The main objective of CRA has been the protection of the interests of agricultural producers. It also promotes the development of agricultural production activities. Some of the federations and confederations that are part of the CRA are: Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Mendoza. Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Buenos Aires y La Pampa (CARBAP); Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de la Provincia de Santa Fe (CARSFE); Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de la Tercera Zona (CARTEZ); Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Tucumán. Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Chaco y Formosa; Federación de Sociedades Rurales del Chubut; Confederación Rural de San Luis. Asociación de Sociedades Rurales de Corrientes; Federación de Asociaciones Agropecuarias Santiagueñas; Federación de Asociaciones Rurales de Entre Ríos; Federación de Entidades Rurales de Salta; Federación Ruralista de Jujuy; Federación de Instituciones Agropecuarias de Santa Cruz; Federación de Sociedades Rurales de Río Negro.

Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios (COPAL). COPAL was created in 1975 with the objective of incorporating the needs and voice of the food industry into the agroindustrial sector. Its central objectives are to foster and promote a strategic vision of the role and importance of the food and beverage industry as a fundamental vector for economic and social development. It aims to achieve a greater international insertion of Argentina, as well as to actively promote agro-industrial integration, both at the level of its economic activities and the entities it represents. Some of subsectors included in COPAL are: beef and derivatives; poultry meat and derivatives; fishing and by-products; dairy products; fresh and processed fruits and vegetables; sauces and preserves; infusions; milling products; bakery, pasta and cookies; candies and chocolates; margarines and hydrogenated products; drinks without alcohol; juices; wines; beers; spirits; sugar; spices, condiments, mayonnaises and dressings; ferments and colorants; starches and glucose; dietary foods; salt; ice creams; and dried vegetables.

Corporación Vitivinícola Argentina (COVIAR). COVIAR is a public-private body that manages and articulates actions to fulfil the objectives of the Strategic Viticulture Plan for Argentina 2020 (PEVI), through the organisation and integration of actors of the productive value chain and through the innovation of products and processes that increase value added of the sub-sector. The Plan PEVI was created in 2000 and established the actions to develop the wine sector in Argentina.

Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA). FAA was created 15 August 1912 as an organisation dealing with the agrarian reform and land struggle, representing small-scale farmers, agricultural workers and landless people. Since its creation, FAA’s main objectives have remained the provision of inputs, domestic and international commercialisation of products, access to land and land use, and the search for a sustainable and inclusive rural development for its members. Since its creation, FAA established a network of services for accessing land and extension services, and insurance and financial services, for accessing inputs, for marketing production domestic and internationally, as well for addressing problems of health in rural areas.

Fertilizar Asociación Civil (FERTILIZAR). FERTILIZAR promotes the rational use of fertilisers throughout the country and the conservation of the soil resource through the dissemination of technical-scientific information adapted to the local reality, which promotes the agronomic and economic advantages of the adequate balance of nutrients on crop and pasture productivity and on soil fertility, contributing to a sustainable agriculture.

Instituto de Promoción de Carne Vacuna Argentina (IPCVA). IPCVA is a public non-governmental institution founded on December 2001, following the passage of the National Statute Nº25.507 by agreement of all the beef chain representatives. The IPCVA is funded through the collection of levies paid by the country’s producers and packers. The IPCVA improves and consolidates the image of Argentine beef products, taking into account the vast history and tradition of the country. The IPCVA is committed to increase the competitiveness of the entire beef chain by providing sectorial expertise and information for the decision-making process in business and also contributing to the creation of improved business environments, both in domestic and foreign markets. Its main activities include: to identify and create demand for Argentine beef products in domestic and foreign markets; to design and develop marketing strategies to improve the competitiveness of Argentine beef products overseas; to plan and develop promotion strategies to contribute to the improvement of domestic consumption levels; to work to consolidate Argentine beef quality and security, contributing to the efficiency of productive and industrial processes.

Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA). SRA is part of the Nation's economic and political history. Founded in 1866, SRA is a civil association that has the following aims: to watch over the agricultural and livestock heritage of the country and encourage its development; to promote stability of people in the countryside by improving rural life in all its aspects; to contribute to the improvement of the techniques, methods and procedures applicable to rural tasks and the development and advancement of complementary and derived industries; and to defend agricultural interests.

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