Annex A. Progress made in implementing the recommendations of the 2013 peer review

Development beyond aid

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • France should establish an appropriate policy mechanism to promote and monitor progress in ensuring that its policies support development objectives in the six priority sectors it has identified.

Recommendation partially implemented

Strategic orientations

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • France should specify the criteria for selecting priority countries and for allocating resources via either bilateral or multilateral channels.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should clearly identify a long-term strategic approach to capacity-building and build the gender approach more effectively into its policies, forms of intervention and mechanisms.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should translate the updated strategy for fragile States into an action plan and tangible realistic tools, and within this framework indicate its approach to post-crisis situations.

Recommendation implemented

Aid volume, channels and allocations

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • France should establish a realistic trajectory for achieving the 0.7% ODA/GNI ratio as soon as possible.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should more closely align the objectives of its co-operation with the resources allocated, taking special care to ensure that the extension of the geographical area for cooperation does not compromise its ability to help reduce poverty in poor and fragile countries. At the same time, it should ensure an appropriate balance between grants and loans.

Recommendation not implemented

  • France could adopt a more strategic approach to its multilateral co-operation, by both clarifying the principles for distributing resources among institutions and specifying how they complement bilateral aid.

Recommendation partially implemented

Organisation and management

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • France must continue to improve its development policy management by restoring operational strategic co-ordination and creating a permanent forum for dialogue with civil society.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should continue to consider means of rationalising the central system and the co-operation network in order to reduce transaction costs, and plan human resources so as to anticipate needs in terms of expertise at headquarters and in partner countries.

Recommendation implemented

  • AFD should consolidate its human resources and optimise their management, while adjusting its financial model in accordance with changes in the international context and in its role as a development agency.

Recommendation implemented

Delivery and partnerships

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • France should ensure that the resources allocated to embassies for co-operation programmes match the level of authorised commitments.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should target fewer strategic sectors in partner countries so as to strengthen the efficiency and impact of its co-operation programmes.

Recommendation not implemented

  • AFD should continue to adjust its procedures and resources to adapt them to its assignments, partners and operational contexts, especially in regards to fragile States and civil society organisations.

Recommendation partially implemented

Results-based management and accountability

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • In order to better steer the programme and be accountable to the public for the results achieved, France should consolidate a single set of indicators reflecting its development objectives, and include results frameworks in the strategic documents that guide its cooperation in partner countries.

Recommendation partially implemented

  • France should ensure that it programmes its evaluations strategically, and improve the recommendations’ monitoring system, so as to better use evaluations as a strategic management tool.

Recommendation partially implemented

Humanitarian assistance

Recommendations in 2013

Progress since 2013

  • In order to meet its burden-sharing commitment and implement its new humanitarian strategy, France should significantly increase its humanitarian aid budget.

Recommendation not implemented

  • France should establish clear criteria for identifying where, what and who to fund, and spell out clear terms concerning the use of military means or staff.

Recommendation partially implemented

Figure A.1. Implementation of recommendations made after the 2013 peer review, by theme