Annex I. Selected Data

I.A. Selected socioeconomic data


Note: Data are from the year indicated or the most recent year with information available; they may include estimated and provisional figures and calculations. Variations in definitions may limit the comparability of data between countries.

a. Gross domestic product at constant 2011 prices and purchasing power parity.

b. Not available.

Source: ECLAC calculations on the basis of CEPALSTAT database; national accounts information provided by OECD; and World Bank, World Development Indicators; information provided by the International Comparison Programme and national accounts information.

Total primary energy supply

Note: Data are from the year indicated or the most recent year with information available; they may include estimated and provisional figures and calculations. Variations in definitions may limit the comparability of data between countries.

a. Total primary energy supply per unit of GDP at constant 2011 prices and purchasing power parity.

b. Tonnes of oil equivalent.

Source: ECLAC calculations on the basis of CEPALSTAT; OECD; IEA, World Energy Statistics and Balances; and National Superintendency of Public Registries of Peru.

I.B. Selected environmental data


Note: Data are from the year indicated or the most recent year with information available; they may include estimated and provisional figures and calculations. Variations in definitions may limit the comparability of data between countries.

a. At constant 2005 prices and purchasing power parity.

b. Not available.

Source: ECLAC calculations, on the basis of OECD, IEA and Ministry of Energy and Mining of Peru.


Note: Data are from the year indicated or the most recent year with information available; they may include estimated and provisional figures and calculations. Variations in definitions may limit the comparability of data between countries.

a. Not available.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Statistics and Information Branch of the Fishery andAquaculture Department, 2016; Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015, Rome.


Note: Data are from the year indicated or the most recent year with information available; they may include estimated and provisional figures and calculations. Variations in definitions may limit the comparability of data between countries.

a. Not available.

Source: ECLAC calculations on the basis of World Bank, World Development Indicators; OECD and Ministry of the Environment of Peru.