Annex B. Social Institutions and Gender Index methodology

  • The “Discrimination in the family” dimension captures social institutions that limit women’s decision-making power and undervalue their status in the household and the family.

  • The “Restricted physical integrity” dimension captures social institutions that increase women’s and girls’ vulnerability to multiple forms of violence and limit their control over their bodies and reproductive autonomy.

  • The “Restricted access to productive and financial resources” dimension captures women’s restricted access to and control over critical productive and economic resources and assets.

  • The “Restricted civil liberties” dimension captures discriminatory social institutions restricting women’s access to, and participation and voice in, the public and social spheres.

Each dimension comprises four indicators. In theory, each indicator builds on a combination of three variables. The first variable aims to measure the level of discrimination in formal and informal laws, while the second and the third variables aim to measure the level of discrimination in social norms and practices, respectively. The variables used as proxies for each indicator depend on data availability, reliability and country coverage. For example, some variables are not available at all (e.g. information on the social acceptance of discriminatory inheritance practices), while others are only available for a few countries (e.g. time spent on unpaid care work).

Consequently, discrepancies exist between the theoretical framework and the variables included in the SIGI 2019. Overall, the SIGI framework builds on 27 core variables:

  • 14 categorical variables describe the level of discrimination in legal frameworks (available for all SIGI indicators but two: Missing women and Female genital mutilation). These variables are based on 144 questions out of the 312 used to draft the SIGI country profiles.

  • 3 attitudinal variables describe the level of discrimination in social norms.

  • 10 variables on prevalence rates describe the level of discrimination in practices.

The variables, indicators, dimensions and, ultimately, the SIGI are constructed according to the steps below.

Quantitative variables: Truncating data at the equality benchmark and inverting the scale

Quantitative data are collected and harmonised to ensure comparability across countries/territories. Data sources vary according to the country/territory and the variable. For example, the prevalence of child marriage among girls is collected through the UN World Marriage Database, while the proportion of women members of parliament is based on the Inter-Parliamentary Union database.

All the SIGI components (variables, indicators, dimensions and index) range from 0, indicating no discrimination, to 100, indicating absolute discrimination:

  • For some variables, equality is reached at 0.5 instead of 1. Equality in political representation, for example, is achieved when 50% of MPs are women. Therefore, countries/territories where 50% or more of their MPs are female have a score of 0.

  • For some other variables, the scale from no discrimination to absolute discrimination may be inverted to fit with the 0-100 scale.

Qualitative variables: Assigning a score

The qualitative legal information detailed in the SIGI country profiles is quantified using a coding manual based on a five-level scale (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100) (Table A B.1).

The variables that comprise each indicator are aggregated using the SIGI aggregation formula.

Some indicators are based on one variable, while others are based on several. In the latter case, the indicator is calculated only if all variables are assigned a value.

For example, for the “Violence against women” (VAW) indicator, the aggregation is:

VAW = ln13eLaws on VAW+ 13eAttitudes towards domestic violence+ 13ePrevalence of domestic violence

The indicators that comprise each dimension are aggregated using the SIGI aggregation formula.

The dimensions aim to provide a summary measure of each area of discrimination. The dimension is calculated only if all indicators are assigned a value.

For example, for the dimension “Discrimination in the family” (DF), the aggregation is:

DF = ln14eChild marriage+ 14eHousehold responsibilities+ 14eInheritance+ 14eDivorce

The SIGI is calculated only if all dimensions are assigned a value using the same aggregation formula.

SIGI = ln14eDF+ 14eRPI+ 14eRAPFR+ 14eRCL

The SIGI country profiles are derived from a questionnaire on gender-related legal frameworks – both formal and traditional/cultural – in the countries and territories covered. The questions are mainly divided into two groups: legal framework (formal laws) and de facto (customary, religious or traditional practices or laws). While most of the questions have “Yes” or “No” answers, two of them have numeric values (i.e. the questions on the minimum legal age for marriage for women and men). The list of questions is presented in Table A B.3.

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