4. Creating a Sound Evaluation System for the Strategic Plan of Nuevo León

Evaluation is critical in order to understand whether policies are improving and sustaining wellbeing and prosperity. Providing an understanding of what policies work, why, for whom, and under what circumstances, contributes to generating feedback loops in the policy-making process. Policy evaluation also makes a fundamental contribution to sound public governance by helping governments effectively design and implement reforms with better outcomes. It can therefore promote public accountability, increase public sector effectiveness, and ensure progress towards long-term government goals (OECD, 2020[1]). This is particularly pertinent in Nuevo León: policy evaluation and its strategic use throughout the policy cycle can support strategic planning by improving the links between policy interventions and their outcomes and impact.

This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of Nuevo León’s evaluation system, including a comparison with OECD member practices on institutionalisation, quality and use of policy evaluation. The chapter takes a systemic approach to policy evaluation, allowing for a full discussion of the mechanisms through which policy evaluation can contribute to Nuevo León’s policy cycle, strategic planning and policy tools such as regulation and performance budgeting. It provides a description of Nuevo León’s institutional framework for evaluation, as well as its tools for promoting quality and use. Moreover, it frames Nuevo León’s evaluation system in an overall Mexican context, benchmarking it against selected states, such as Jalisco and Mexico City among others. The analysis of current gaps in Nuevo León’s evaluation system provides an opportunity to propose concrete and precise recommendations for improvement.

Evaluation reflects a mainstream concern to improve government performance and to promote evidence informed policy-making. Policy evaluation is indeed referenced in the legal framework of a large majority of countries and in all Mexican States (CONEVAL, 2017[2]), and at the constitutional level in some cases. However, most OECD countries also face significant challenges promoting policy evaluation across government. They also face challenges in using evaluation results in policymaking, as there is no coherent whole-of-government approach in this area, and a lack of appropriate skills and capacities (OECD, 2020[1]). The creation of an evaluation eco-system depends on the local political and cultural context as well as on the different drivers and objectives (such as improving budgetary performance, or having a better understanding of the impact of social policies). In Nuevo León, monitoring, performance budgeting and including citizens in the public decision-making process are mobilised to ensure government effectiveness and efficiency, and to promote accountability. This is particularly true in regard to the Strategic Plan, for which the Nuevo León Council for Strategic Planning was created, with the purpose of advising the state on strategic planning and its evaluation (Article 7 of the Strategic Plan). However, the state of Nuevo León still lacks a sound and robust evaluation system as is commonly understood among OECD countries, both from a whole-of-government perspective and for its Strategic Plan. For instance, the council seems to “monitor” rather than “evaluate” the Strategic Plan. However, Nuevo León has institutions, actors and capacities that have the potential to be leveraged in order to establish a sound evaluation system.

A sound institutional framework for evaluation can help to incorporate isolated and unplanned evaluation efforts into more formal and systematic approaches, which aim to prioritise and set standards for methodologies and practices (Gaarder and Briceño, 2010[3]). An institutional framework can provide incentives to ensure that quality evaluations are effectively conducted. Such a framework can also contribute to improving the comparability and consistency of results across time, institutions, and disciplines (OECD, 2020[1]).

The institutionalisation of evaluation is key to sustaining a sound evaluation system, and ultimately delivering good results. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach for how countries have proceeded with institutionalising their evaluation practices, a solid institutional framework usually includes:

  • Some clear and comprehensive definition(s) of evaluation. Indeed, OECD data (OECD, 2020[1]) shows that more than half of the survey respondents (27 countries) have adopted a formal definition of policy evaluation.

  • A practice embedded in a legal and policy framework. OECD data shows that a majority of countries (29 countries, 23 OECD countries) have developed a legal framework that guides policy evaluation while half of surveyed countries (21 in total, including 17 OECD countries) have developed a policy framework for organising policy evaluation across government (OECD, 2020[1]).

  • The identification of institutional actors with allocated resources and mandates to oversee or carry out evaluations, as is the case in the vast majority of countries. OECD data shows that 40 countries (including 34 OECD countries) have at least one institution with responsibilities related to policy evaluation across government (OECD, 2020[1]).

  • Macro-level guidance on who carries out evaluation, when and how.

Although Nuevo León explicitly recognises the importance of evaluation for accountability, it does not fully communicate its value in terms of policy learning. Policy evaluation facilitates learning, as it clarifies why and how a policy was or has the potential to be successful or not by informing policy makers about the reasons and causal mechanisms leading to policy success or failure. At the same time, policy evaluation has the potential to improve public accountability and transparency. It also legitimises the use of public funds and resources as it provides citizens and other stakeholders with information on whether the efforts carried out by the government, including allocating financial resources, are producing the expected results (OECD, 2018[4]). Learning and accountability are therefore complementary objectives that Nuevo León can explicitly pursue while conducting evaluations.

The council’s evaluation function currently focuses on increasing accountability, rather than on improving policy learning. This is partially due to the conflation of evaluation and monitoring of the Strategic Plan (see chapter 2). The annual evaluation report of 2016-2017 dedicates a whole section to how the council promotes accountability through its responsibility to inform the public about the progress of the Plan and its evaluation. More explicitly, this evaluation report is qualified as the council’s “first accountability exercise” (Nuevo Leon Council, 2017[5]). As such, there is an apparent lack of recognition of the full objectives and potential value of the evaluation of the Strategic Plan, which is further reinforced, as strategic planning law does not explicitly state the objectives for evaluating the plan. Evaluation is not only about accountability, but also about understanding why the objectives have or have not been achieved, and what can be done in order to improve the public intervention in question.

Making the objectives for evaluation clear and communicating those objectives in the Strategic Planning Law would create a shared understanding for decision-makers, evaluators and citizens about the importance and purpose of this policy tool.

According to OECD data, a majority of OECD countries (23 out of 35) have one (11 countries) or several (12 countries) definition(s) of evaluation (See Figure 4.1). In some cases, this definition is embedded in a legal document. For instance, Japan defines evaluation in a law, the Government Policy Evaluations Act (Act No. 86 of 2001), while Argentina defines evaluation in the decree 292/2018, which designates the body responsible for preparing and executing the annual monitoring and evaluation plan for social policies and programmes (2018[92]). Other countries define evaluation in guidelines or manuals as is the case for Mexico (general guidelines for the evaluation of the general public administration programmes (2007[6])), Costa Rica (manual of evaluation for public interventions (2018[7])), and Colombia (guide for the evaluation of public policies (2016[8])).

In Nuevo León, two definitions of evaluation co-exist. Firstly, according to the General Guidelines of the Executive Branch for the Consolidation of Results-Based Budget and the Performance Evaluation System, evaluation can be defined as “ the systematic and objective analysis of policies, budgetary programmes and institutional performance, which aims to determine the relevance and achievement of its objectives and goals, as well as its efficiency, effectiveness, quality, results and impact” (State of Nuevo Leon, 2017[9]).

The existence of this definition is a useful first step in creating a shared understanding within the public sector of the aims, tools and features of policy evaluation. Secondly, the Strategic Planning Law provides a specific definition of evaluation applicable to the Strategic Plan and the role of the council in this regard (Article 18). According to this law, monitoring and evaluation refer to the measurement of effectiveness and efficiency of planning instruments and their execution. Additionally, it states that these should be carried out by the council, in collaboration with dependencies and entities of the state administration. Yet, this definition conflates monitoring and evaluation, which are two complementary but distinct practices, with different dynamics and goals (see Table 4.1). From an analytic and practical perspective, conflating the practices of monitoring and evaluation within a single definition makes the provisions related to them unclear.

Indeed, policy monitoring refers to a continuous function that uses systematic data collection of specific indicators to provide policy makers and stakeholders with information regarding progress and achievements of an ongoing public policy initiative and/or the use of allocated funds (OECD, 2016[11]; OECD-DAC, 2009[12]). Policy evaluation refers to the structured and objective assessment of the design, implementation and/or results of a future, ongoing or completed policy initiative. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of policy objectives, as well as to assess dimensions such as public policies’ efficiency, effectiveness, impact or sustainability. As such, policy evaluation refers to the process of determining the worth or significance of a policy (OECD, 2016[11]; OECD-DAC, 2009[12]). Therefore, while monitoring is descriptive and an important (but not exclusive) source of information that can be used within the context of an evaluation, policy evaluation is a different activity that seeks to analyse and understand cause-effect links between a policy intervention and its results.

The absence of a clear and comprehensive definition applicable to the Strategic Plan undermines the ability of the state public administration and of the council to promote and sustain a robust evaluation system. Having a clear and comprehensive definition of evaluation would raise the awareness of practitioners and stakeholders alike, as well as clarify the goals and methods of evaluation in comparison to other similar practices (such as monitoring, spending reviews, performance management, etc.).

Therefore, Nuevo León would benefit from updating the Strategic Planning Law and/or its regulations to include two distinct definitions of monitoring and evaluation. In doing so, Nuevo León may wish to use –or refer to the already existing definition in the General guidelines of the Executive Branch for the consolidation of the Results-Based Budget and the Performance Evaluation System.

Another key component of the institutionalisation of policy evaluation is the existence of a legal or policy framework, insofar as they provide a key legal basis for undertaking evaluations, as well as guidance on when and how to carry them out. Legal and policy frameworks may also formally determine the institutional actors, their mandates and the resources needed to oversee and carry out evaluations (OECD, 2020[1]).

Several paths exist for the legal institutionalisation of evaluation practices. As shown through the OECD (2018) survey, the need for policy evaluation is recognised at the highest level, with a large majority of countries having requirements for evaluation in their primary and secondary legislation, and sometimes even in their constitution. Mexico, for instance, has provisions related to policy evaluation embedded at all three levels. The National Council of Social Development Policy Evaluation (CONEVAL) is an example of an institution responsible for evaluation whose mandates are inscribed at various legal levels (see Box 4.1).

At the state level, data from CONEVAL collected in 2017 shows that all federal entities of Mexico have a normative instrument that establishes obligations regarding the evaluation of social policies and programmes, guidelines on carrying out evaluations and requirements to publish their results (CONEVAL, 2017[2]).

Nuevo León is one such state that has implemented a legal framework for evaluation, as part of their Performance-Based Management System (“Gestion para Resultados”), in line with the national guidelines. Indeed, since the 2006 Law on Budget and Treasury Responsibility (LFPRH), Mexico has transitioned to a Performance-Based Management System. One major step has been the implementation of a Result-Based Budgeting process (RBB), which attempts to link allocations to the achievement of specific results, and the development of a Performance Evaluation System (SED). The SED is defined as a set of methodological instruments used to conduct objective assessments of programme performance and impacts based on the monitoring of actions and the use of indicators (SHCP, 2018[15]).

At the national level, the main institutions responsible for the implementation of the RBB-SED system are the Secretariat of Finance and Public Funds (SHCP) and the CONEVAL. Created in 2008, the National Council for Accounting Harmonization (CONAC) also plays an important role at the federal and municipal level. It is in charge of issuing accounting norms and establishing guidelines on programme classification and public accounts structure.

Nuevo León and the other Mexican states, are bound by the national frameworks. In particular, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Mexican constitution state that resources are not evaluated by an independent unit, but by the instances established by the Federal Government and the states. This evaluation process is carried out through an Annual Evaluation Programme (PAE) devised by each state, which establishes a list of programmes and funds that need to be evaluated within the year.

In Nuevo León, the Secretariat of Finance and General Treasury of the State devises the Annual Evaluation Programme in coordination with the Comptroller. In 2020, 25 programmes are to be evaluated, such as the “Nuevo León Respira”, a programme monitored by the Secretariat for Sustainable Development. In 2019, the final reports of 13 evaluations were published on the Nuevo León website (Gobierno de Nuevo Leon, 2020[16]).

The PAE specifies which type of evaluation should be conducted (design, processes, results or impact) by the designated administrative units, court or institutions. They must follow the guidelines established by the CONEVAL and the Secretariat of Finance who is also in charge of coordinating the evaluations and of monitoring the selection of external evaluators, (research institutes, universities, development organisations, etc.). Nuevo León has put a management response mechanism in place for evaluations conducted within the Annual Evaluation Programme. The administrative entities must consider the evaluation’s recommendations (“Aspectos Susceptibles de Mejora”), by implementing a Management Improvement Action Plan (PAMGE).

The specific evaluation of the Strategic Plan is embedded in primary legislation, the most common level chosen among OECD and non-OECD countries. In particular, the evaluation of the Strategic Plan is embedded in the state Strategic Planning Law, the primary legislation document that organises and supports the Strategic Plan. This law is also accompanied by regulations intended to regulate its provisions.

The law and its regulations give a clear and comprehensive mandate to the council to carry out the evaluation of the Strategic Plan, in a number of different aspects:

  • Article 7 of the law states that the council will be an advisory body of the state executive in terms of strategic planning and evaluation, and specifies the actors that form the council.

  • Concerning the commissioning of evaluations to external evaluators, article 9 of the regulations also mentions that the commissions can hire additional personnel depending on the evaluation to be carried out and the availability of resources.

  • Article 19 of the law states that the council should evaluate the results of the Strategic Plan and the State Plan annually, based on the evolution of strategic projects and priority programmes, and the measurement of economic and social activity.

  • Regarding the use of evaluation results, article 21 of the law states that the results of the performance evaluations carried out by the council shall be presented to the Head of Executive, and article 22 bis specifies that they should be sent to state congress after decisions are made upon the implementation of evaluation recommendations.

Having a legal framework for the evaluation of the Strategic Plan, in the form of a primary law accompanied by regulations, demonstrates the importance that the state of Nuevo León attributes to this practice, within the council and across government. However, the presence of a legal framework for the evaluation of the Plan is not enough to sustain a robust evaluation system. As per the evaluation of the Strategic Plan, a robust evaluation system needs to specify what should be evaluated, the actors involved, their mandates, the timeline, the methodology and tools for evaluating the Plan.

Article 19 of the Strategic Planning Law specifies that the council should evaluate the Strategic Plan on a yearly basis. However, given the large scope and number of objectives of the Plan, it is not possible to evaluate the plan in its totality – or even a single broad objective of the plan – within a single year. Conducting a proper evaluation requires time and significant resources, and most importantly needs to be supported by a clear methodology.

A proper evaluation would require a more focused approach. The council should define a limited number of evaluations to be carried out in a given year, which should mainly focus on how specific policies or programmes, which the government is implementing, are contributing to the achievement of a specific plan’s objectives. For this, the council needs to develop a specific timeline for evaluations (for example for data collection, delivering the evaluation report, etc.). Another crucial element that currently lacks any form of methodology is the way in which the recommendations based on the evaluation results should be communicated – in particular to the state public administration – and what types of formal responses, if any, should follow them. For example, the legal framework of Jalisco contains a large set of provisions, including evaluation planning; the criteria for undertaking and publishing evaluations, and following-up on results, among others (see Box 4.2).

Good evaluation planning is important to ensure its quality, as well as its use. Indeed, many researchers emphasise the importance of timeliness of evaluation results to promote their use in decision-making (Leviton and Hughes, 1981[18]): the consensus is that evaluations should be thought of well in advance and the evaluation process planned-out carefully. The general guidelines for the consolidation of Results-Budget and the Performance Evaluation System, outline to the state public administration when to conduct evaluations that are linked to budgetary programming (State of Nuevo Leon, 2017[9]).

Many country frameworks for evaluations contain provisions regarding the purpose, scope (time-period, target population, etc.) and objectives of evaluations. In Nuevo León, the guidelines mentioned above provide a useful definition of the different types of evaluations; their objectives and methodologies (see Box 4.3).

Building on the state public administration’s existing guidelines and definitions, the council could establish an evaluation framework, in order to specify what type of evaluations it will conduct, for what purpose, with what resources, and in what timeframe. This can help to support the implementation of quality evaluation and provide high-level guidance and clarity for institutions by outlining overarching best practices and goals.

Evaluation policy frameworks or requirements for government institutions to undertake regular evaluation of their policies are common practice (OECD, 2020[1]). Such frameworks exist in Spain, where there is an action plan for spending reviews and an annual plan on normative impact. Likewise, since 2017, Mexico has published an evaluation programme every year. Interestingly, CONEVAL data shows that in 2017, 30 federal entities planned their evaluations, including 16 entities that have updated their evaluation plans in the last two years, specifying the programmes to be evaluated, the types of evaluation that apply and the deadlines for carrying them out (CONEVAL, 2017[2]). Another relevant example on the subnational level that could serve as a model is the state of Jalisco’s General Guidelines for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Programmes of the Government of Jalisco (see Box 4.4). Interestingly, the state of Jalisco has an evaluation strategy (Evalúa Jalisco) whose implementation is supported by a technical council (Consejo Evalúa Jalisco) composed of academics and experts in the evaluation of public policies at national and local level (State Government of Jalisco, 2019[19]).

The Nuevo León council may wish to include several types of evaluations in its policy framework. In fact, beyond the evaluation of the impact of policy objectives, the council may also wish to carry out design evaluations. These would enable the council to provide support to the state public administration in devising action plans related to the implementation of the Strategic Plan. In particular, such evaluations would allow the state to identify the existing inconsistencies in conditions for funding and implementing the action plans with measurable and assessable goals.

Finally, the council may wish to specify whether there will be any formal response mechanisms to the evaluations it will conduct, similarly to the SED’s Management Improvement Action Plans. Specifically, it could distinguish between:

  • evaluations of the Strategic Plan conducted on the basis of the council’s mandate and of its own initiative, for which no formal response mechanism would be necessary;

  • evaluations at the request of the state public administration, where a formal response mechanism from the administration to the council may be useful to ensure greater use of the evaluation evidence. The council may also wish to share these evaluations with Congress for information. An example of such a mechanism can be found in Australia’s productivity commission (see Box 4.5).

Quality and use of evaluations are essential to ensuring impact on policy-making, and thus on the capacity of evaluations to serve as tools for learning, accountability and better decision-making. However, both quality and use are widely recognised as some of the most important challenges faced by policy-makers and practitioners in this area. This is due to a mix of skill gaps, heterogeneous oversights in the evaluation processes, and insufficient mechanisms for quality control and capacity for uptake of evidence (OECD, 2020[1]).

Quality and use of evaluations are also intrinsically linked, thereby increasing their significance for policy-makers. Use can be considered as a key quality factor, since the extent to which an evaluation meets the needs of different groups of users dictates its quality (Patton, 1978[21]; Kusters et al., 2011[22]; Vaessen, 2018[23]) . Likewise, evaluations that adhere to the quality standard of appropriateness – that is, evaluations that address multiple political considerations, are useful to achieve policy goals and consider possible alternatives as well as the local context – are by very definition more useful to intended users.

Quality should also be conducive to greater potential for use. Insofar as good quality evaluations benefit from greater credibility, they are likely to be given more weight in decision-making. Similarly, unused data are likely to suffer because they are not subject to critical questioning. However, in practice, it is important to recognise that quality may be associated with greater complexity of results, due to methodological requirements and limits with the use of quantitative methods, which may sometimes make the results difficult to read and to interpret for a lay audience (OECD, 2020[1]).

A majority of OECD countries have developed one or several explicit mechanisms to promote the technical quality of evaluations (OECD, 2020[1]). On the one hand, quality assurance mechanisms seek to ensure credibility in how the evaluation is conducted, that is to say that the process of evaluating a policy respects certain quality criteria. On the other hand, mechanisms for quality control ensure that the evaluation design, its planning and delivery have been properly conducted to meet pre-determined quality criteria. In that sense, quality control tools ensure that the end product of the evaluation (the report) meets a certain standard for quality. Both are key elements to ensuring the robustness of policy evaluations (HM Treasury, 2011[24]).

In Nuevo León, the council’s commissions are partially composed of subject-matter experts, which could be mobilised to ensure the quality of evaluations. However, the council does not have explicit quality assurance mechanisms at present (quality standards for the evaluation process, competence requirements or skill development mechanisms, organisational measures for the promotion of quality) or control mechanisms (peer reviews of the evaluation product, meta-evaluations, self-evaluation tools and checklists, audits of the evaluation function). The council could develop one or several quality assurance or control mechanisms amongst the ones presented below.

OECD data shows that most surveyed countries have developed standards regarding both the technical quality of evaluation and its good governance. Standards are a form of quality assurance, as they enable the evaluation to be properly conducted, or ensure that the process respects certain pre-established quality criteria. In many countries, standards for good quality evaluations are embedded in guidelines, that is, non-binding documents or recommendations that aim to support governments in the design and implementation of a policy and/or practice (examples include white-books and handbooks).

International organisations have also adopted such guidelines in order to set standards for quality evaluations and the appropriate principles for their oversight (United Nations Evaluation Group, 2016[25]). At the OECD, the Development Assistance Committee’s Quality Standards for Development Evaluation (OECD, 2010[26]) includes overarching considerations regarding evaluation ethics and transparency in the evaluation process, as well as technical guidelines for the design, conduct and follow-up of development evaluations by countries. Similarly, the World Bank Group’s Evaluation Principles set out core evaluation principles for selecting, conducting and using evaluations (World Bank et al., 2019[27]) aimed at ensuring that all World Bank Group evaluations are technically robust as well as credible.

Guidelines have also been developed by sub-national entities. At the state level for example, Queensland, in Australia, has Government Programme Evaluation Guidelines, which outline a set of principles to support the planning and implementation of evaluation of programmes funded by the state government (see Box 4.6).

In 2017, all Mexican federal entities had one or several instruments that specified certain quality criteria for conducting evaluations. These include the states of Quintana Roo and Yucatán, who have developed standards for evaluator competencies, types of evaluation and evaluation planning (CONEVAL, 2017[2]) (see Box 4.7).

Guidelines developed by countries address a wide variety of specific topics including the design of evaluation approaches, the course of action for commissioning evaluations, planning out evaluations, designing data collection methods, evaluation methodologies or the ethical conduct of evaluators. Table 4.2 below gives an overview of the different quality standards, in terms of governance and quality that OECD and non-OECD countries have included in their guidelines.

In Nuevo León, for the SED’s Annual Evaluation Programme (PAE), each programme evaluation should follow several guidelines and good practices defined at the national and state level. For instance, the CONEVAL has devised the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Federal Programmes of the Federal Public Administration that establish the different types of evaluations to be carried out, the use of a matrix of indicators, the frequency at which evaluations should be carried our etc. (CONEVAL, 2007[6]). The CONAC also published its Guidelines for the Construction and Design of Performance Indicators through the Logical Framework Methodology (CONAC, 2013[33]) to help states design efficient monitoring and performance indicators. In addition, Nuevo León has published its own guidelines for the implementation of a result-based budgeting and performance evaluation system (RBB-SED): general Guidelines for the Consolidation of a Results-Based Budget and the Performance Evaluation System of 2017.

Moreover, each evaluation unit is in charge of collecting and analysing a primary source of data composed of information contained in administrative records, databases, internal and/or external evaluations, public documentation and regulatory documents. Then, the unit has to answer a set of pre-defined methodological questions regarding the quality of the Result-based Indicator Matrix associated with the programme, the efficiency of programme management, the results in terms of outputs, transparency, citizen satisfaction, etc. The Result-based Indicator Matrix (MIR) is a major strategic planning tool that establishes the objectives of each programme. It includes several indicators measuring objectives, impacts and expected results, and identifies the sources of information needed for the performance management process.

The Nuevo Léon council may be interested in developing its own regulations for the evaluation of the Strategic Plan. These regulations could also be applicable across government. A methodology for evaluating the Plan should provide the objectives of the evaluation, its precise scope, the types of evaluation (design, implementation, and impact), the methods of data collection and guidance for carrying out or commissioning evaluations. In order to do so, Nuevo León may wish to draw inspiration from the guidelines developed by France Stratégie (see Box 4.8), as well as from the general positioning of this institution in the French government apparatus.

While quality guidelines and standards provide evaluators with resources to help them make the appropriate decisions when conducting evaluations, they may also benefit from the appropriate competencies. Evaluators’ competencies imply having the appropriate skills, knowledge, experience and abilities (Stevahn et al., 2005[35]; American Evaluation Association, 2015[36]). The American Evaluation Association, for instance, has developed a list of core evaluator competencies (American Evaluation Association, 2015[36]), which focus on the professional, the technical, the interpersonal, the management and organisational skills necessary to be an evaluator – thus reflecting the wide variety of competencies such a profession requires beyond that of technical expertise.

For Nuevo León to conduct high quality evaluations in the long term, it will therefore be important to invest in skills, through promoting evaluator competences. Indeed, the council currently does not have sufficiently appropriate evaluation competences within its commissions and technical secretariats to commission or conduct in-house evaluations. In order to ensure the technical quality of its evaluations, the council may wish to consider several scenarios.

Firstly, the council should rely on external evaluators’ competences to conduct evaluations in the short to medium term. In particular, the council can rely on the state’s universities and research centres to commission evaluations. The council may wish to define some quality standards for commissioning evaluations that include competence requirements for the evaluators, since terms of reference (ToRs) constitute an essential tool for quality assurance (Kusters et al., 2011[22]). These guidelines may also cover issues such as the scope of the evaluation, its methodology and goals, the composition of the evaluation team, the evaluation budget and timeline, and the type of stakeholders to be engaged (Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP, 2019[37]).

In the longer term, the council may wish to establish mechanisms to develop the appropriate competencies to conduct in-house evaluations. The council can therefore consider organising trainings for evaluators (i.e. the commissioners and technical secretariat staff). Indeed, OECD survey data shows that training evaluators is the most commonly used technique for competency development, with half of respondent countries having implemented such training. Staff could be incentivised to take courses (including online training) on different issues such as impact evaluation of public policies, programmes and projects (International Training Centre, 2019[38]), economic evaluation or data collection for programme evaluation offered by the University of Washington (University of Washington, 2020[39]). Beyond the use of trainings, the council may also wish to consider hiring staff with the appropriate technical skills to conduct evaluations, such as staff with previous evaluation experience in a multidisciplinary setting.

Finally, another way in which the council could develop the competences of its evaluators is by fostering networks of evaluators. OECD data shows that a common quality assurance mechanism that countries have implemented is the establishment of a network of evaluators.

The Nuevo León council could consider furthering its role as an evaluation champion in the state by forming such networks within the state. The council’s Knowledge Network (“Red de Conocimiento”) could be a successful starting point for developing such an evaluator network within Nuevo León as well as across Mexican States. This network currently fosters the collaboration and participation of Nuevo León’s academic community, with a particular focus on promoting applied research to support the monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Plan (Consejo Nuevo León, 2019[40]). Bringing academics from across the state through thematic forums, the Knowledge Network could become an informal hub for exchanging practical and technical experiences related to evaluation. Hosted by the council, the Knowledge Network could easily connect its academics to the members of the council, namely practitioners, public servants, representatives from the private sector, and the civil society. Evaluators and relevant stakeholders from other Mexican states and their evaluation councils could be invited to forums, meetings or even webinars to enlarge the scope of exchanges. The Mexico City’s Council for Evaluation of Social Development is an interesting potential participant, since it already works with a network of external evaluators coming from civil society and academia to evaluate social programmes (OECD, 2019[41]).

Quality control tools ensure that the product of the evaluation (the report) meets a certain quality standard (HM Treasury, 2011[24]). Overall, quality control mechanisms are much less common than quality assurance mechanisms, with only approximately one third of countries using a quality control mechanism. These quality control mechanisms are less common and may constitute an area of development in order to ensure that evaluation reports and evaluative evidence meet a high quality standard (OECD, 2020[1]).

The most common quality control mechanism used by countries to promote quality of the end product of evaluations is the peer review process. Peer reviews see a panel or reference group, composed of external or internal experts, subject an evaluation to review of its technical quality and substantive content. The peer review process helps determine whether the evaluation meets the adequate quality standards and therefore can be published.

The council could consider submitting its evaluations to peer reviews by experts (for instance academics), before they are published. Thanks to the composition of the council, and in particular the experts and academics who are part of the commissions, the council can build relationships with a community of potential peers that could contribute to controlling its evaluation product.

Some countries have also developed tools aimed either at the evaluators themselves (i.e. self-evaluation) or at the managing and/or commissioning team (quality control checklists, for example) in order to help them control whether their work meets the appropriate quality criteria. Quality control checklists are aimed at standardising quality control practices of evaluation deliverables and as such can be useful to evaluation managers, commissioners, decision-makers or other stakeholders to review evaluations against a set of pre-determined criteria (Stufflebeam, 2001[42])

The evaluation unit for development assistance in the European Commission, for example, includes a clear quality criteria grid in its terms of reference, against which the evaluation manager assesses the work of the external evaluators (OECD, 2016[43]). Self-evaluation, on the other hand, is a critical review of project/programme performance by the operations team in charge of the intervention, as they serve to standardise practices when reviewing evaluation deliverables. Although less commonly used, self-evaluation tools can form an important element of a quality control system (OECD, 2016[43]), as they constitute the first step in the control process. The council could consider designing a checklist for evaluations, in order to help them control the quality of their own work. Examples such as the New South Wales’ evaluation toolkit (see Box 4.9), show that initiatives to foster the technical quality of evaluations have also been undertaken at the state level.

Meta-evaluations are another tool that correspond to the evaluation of an evaluation to control its quality and/or assess the overall performance of the evaluation (Scriven, 1969[132]). Nowadays, it mainly refers to evaluations designed to aggregate findings from a series of evaluations. In its latter meaning, meta-evaluation is an evidence synthesis method that serves to evaluate the quality of a series of evaluations (by making an assessment of evaluations through reports and other relevant sources) and its adherence to established standards. As such, meta-evaluations constitute a useful tool for reviewing the quality of policy evaluations, before an evaluation is made publicly available. A relatively limited number of countries use meta-evaluations to control the quality of evaluations, either due to a lack of skills, familiarity or methods (OECD, 2020[1]).

While quality is very important and can facilitate use, it is not enough to guarantee the use of evaluations, which remains an important challenge faced by many countries. Indeed, in general, connections between evidence and policy-making remain elusive (OECD, 2020[1]). This appears to be the case in Nuevo León as well, at least within the scope of the Strategic Plan.

Promoting the use of policy evaluations is linked to how evaluations are communicated within and outside the public sector; and how (if so) evaluations are used to improve the impact and future design of public policies. More precisely, the instrumental use of policy evaluation implies that evaluation recommendations inform decision-making and lead to an alteration in the object of evaluation (Ledermann, 2012[46]). In that sense, effective use of evaluations is key to embedding them in policy-making processes and to generate incentives for dissemination of evaluation practices. It is a critical source of feedback for generating new policies and developing rationale for government interventions.

Conversely, if evaluations are not used, gaps will remain between what is known to be effective as suggested by evidence and policy and decision-making in practice. Simply put, evaluations that are not used represent missed opportunities for learning and accountability (OECD, 2020[1]). Moreover, the weak link between evidence and policy-making is compounded by the fact that underuse of evaluations may jeopardize the legitimacy of the evaluative exercise in the first place. When decision-makers ignore the results of evaluations, the claim for further analysis is undermined (Leviton and Hughes, 1981[18]): unused evaluations may contribute to an impression of excess supply, whereby quality evidence gets lost in the shuffle. Underuse also represents a waste of public resources: policy evaluations, whether conducted internally or contracted-out to external stakeholders, require significant public human and financial resources, which will be lost if they lead to no outcomes.

Nuevo León can promote the use of evaluations through the following mechanisms, which a large majority of countries have put in place:

  • conducting utilization-focused evaluations;

  • promoting access to, and the uptake of, evaluation results;

  • embedding the use of evaluation results in the institutional set-up, within and outside of the executive; through, for instance, the discussion of evaluation results at the highest level of government and the creation of management response mechanisms.

  • increasing demand for evaluations through competency development.

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, within their performance evaluation system, the government of Nuevo León has put a management response mechanism in place. According to OECD data, the use of formal management response and follow-up mechanisms is relatively infrequent. However, some countries, like Costa Rica and Mexico, do implement such mechanisms. Indeed, at the national level, Mexico implemented a mechanism to establish a follow-up process on external evaluation recommendations, which defines the actors responsible for constructing the tools that will track the aspects of programmes and policies to be improved.

In line with the national level, Nuevo León’s the final evaluation reports must identify areas for improvement (“Aspectos Susceptibles de Mejora”), which include the weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the programme’s efficiency. According to article 39 of the Strategic Planning Law regulations, the administrative entities must consider these recommendations by implementing a Management Improvement Action Plan (PAMGE). This action plan includes strategic actions aimed at improving the design, processes and implementation of the policy or programme evaluated. Each action is associated with a percentage of progress and a person in charge of its implementation. The use of findings in the case of the PAE is also facilitated by the fact that the final evaluation report including the ASM and the PAMGE must be publically available on the State website (article 42 of NL regulations).

Countries have developed mechanisms to ensure that evaluation processes are utilisation-focused, meaning that evaluations are conducted in a way that is fit for purpose and takes into account the needs of their primary users and the types of intended uses (Patton, 1978[21]). Empirical research (Johnson et al., 2009[47]) has found that user-focused evaluations share several features:

  • they are methodologically robust and credible (for a discussion of determinants of credible evaluations, see the section on ‘Promoting the quality of evaluations’);

  • users and stakeholders were involved in the evaluation process;

  • the evaluation methodology was perceived as appropriate by users.

The Nuevo León council is, in and of itself, a body composed of a wide variety of stakeholders, including state representatives, academics, the private sector and civil society. It could therefore be considered that the evaluations it conducts are utilization-focused in that they have engaged stakeholders, who can be consulted at any point during the evaluation process. This shows that the state government of Nuevo León, like other governments, is eager to engage a wide range of stakeholders in the decision-making process to generate a broader consensus and increase the legitimacy of public-policy decisions (OECD, 2016[11]). Similarly, OECD data shows that a majority of countries report engaging stakeholders in the evaluation of their policy priorities (see Figure 4.2).

In fact, evidence shows that policy-makers are more likely to seek and use evaluation results obtained from trusted familiar individuals or organisations, rather than formal sources (Oliver et al., 2015[48]; Haynes et al., 2012[49]). Having state representatives in the council could therefore increase their trust in and use of the evaluation it produces. Likewise, communicating findings to stakeholders as the evaluation progresses or involving stakeholders in the design of the evaluation, which the council can easily do with its members, can also favour their adherence to, and understanding of, the results (Fleischer and Christie, 2009[50]).

Within the council, despite the fact that the yearly “evaluation report” is in fact a “monitoring” exercise, and that, as mentioned before, an actual yearly evaluation of the plan will not be feasible, some provisions concerning stakeholder engagement during this process are worth mentioning. Within this review process, the document is presented to each commission in at least four instances: when the process is launched, when the first draft is finished, when the recommendations are written, and when the evaluation is published. Interestingly, commissions are invited to take part in the whole process and have to provide their opinions and suggestions at all stages as well as discussing the recommendations. The earlier and more actively users are involved in an evaluation process and with the dissemination of results, the more likely they are to use the evaluation’s results (Patton, 1978[21]). The council should continue actively involving commissions in that manner.

However, although the council is composed of a wide variety of stakeholders, it does not mean that they are all equally involved in the evaluation process. Indeed, as mentioned in chapter 1, the council may be seen as being over-representative of the private sector, and of giving too little voice to representatives of civil society. Yet, it can be argued that citizens, as the primary intended users of the policy being evaluated, are the most important stakeholders to include in the evaluation process (Kusters et al., 2011[22]). Moreover, civil society actors are certainly influential in the institutionalisation of policy evaluation and critical in facilitating demand for evaluation (OECD, 2020[1]). In order to balance the voices of each stakeholder across commissions, the council could consider adapting the composition of its commissions to ensure greater representation of civil society and citizens (see chapter 5 for a detailed discussion of the composition of the council).

Utilization-focused evaluations also require that the evaluation’s set-up, understood as the planning, resources and communication channels involved in the results creation and use, be tailored to the policy maker’s needs, in order to facilitate use in practice (Patton, 1978[21]). The resources for evidence should match the demand of policy makers in terms of timing and format. Finally, the evaluation questions foreseen by the evaluator should be set to match the users’ needs (Patton, 1978[21]). In Nuevo León, public officials providing information requested by the council for the evaluation sometimes have no to or limited knowledge about the commissions’ work and the way it relates to their own work.

In that case, the council could consider consulting the intended users (secretariat, policy-makers, and practitioners) early on in the evaluation process in order to ensure that they know about the evaluation and will use it. Going further, the state public administration may wish to commission specific evaluations for the council, on topics that are of importance to the secretariats. The role of the centre of government would be critical for communicating and co-ordinating the demand for evaluations across the public administration. There should also be a strong coordination with the Secretariat of Finance, given that it issues the Annual evaluation plan (PAE) every year. The evaluations carried out by the Council should be complementary or cover different subjects from the ones coordinated by the Secretariat of Finance.

A key aspect of ensuring the use of evaluations is ensuring access to them. Indeed, policy makers and stakeholders cannot use evidence and the results of evaluations if they do not know about them (Haynes et al., 2018[51]). The first step to promoting use is therefore making the results available to their intended users, simply put that they be communicated and disseminated to stakeholders.

Nevertheless, while a useful first step in promoting access to the evaluation report, publicity is not enough. Indeed, research suggests that in isolation, publicity alone does not significantly improve uptake of evaluations in policy (Langer, Tripney and Gough, 2016[52]; Dobbins et al., 2009[53]; Haynes et al., 2018[51]). Rather, the presentation of evidence should be strategic and driven by the evaluation’s purpose and the information needs of intended users (Patton, 1978[21]). As such, evaluation results ought to be well synthesised and tailored for specific users for their use to be facilitated (Haynes et al., 2018[51]).

More generally speaking, evaluation reports such as those published by the council may not always be easily understood or assimilated by the wider public and policy-makers who may not have the time to read lengthy reports. Recommendations can also be too general, therefore not allowing to identify clear policy actions. This is why the states of Baja California, Jalisco, Estado de México, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro and Tabasco include an executive summary in their evaluation reports (CONEVAL, 2017[2]).

In the future, the council could also consider including an executive summary in the evaluation reports, written in a clear, concise and user-friendly language that enables citizens and policy makers to acquire a rapid understanding of the evaluation and its results. Chapter 5 also provides recommendations on how the council could translate this evidence into more understandable language for policy makers and larger audiences.

Overall, despite engaging stakeholders, publishing results and thereby promoting utilisation-focused evaluations to a certain extent, the council’s evaluation results may not systematically translate to better uptake of policy evaluation in decision-making. Indeed, uptake of evaluation results is a complex phenomenon that demands broader and more systematic measures. As will be discussed in the following sections, a solution to increase demand for evaluations is to create an evaluation marketplace by embedding the use of evaluations in the institutional set-up, while another is to promote decision and policy-makers’ skills for evidence use.

The council also sends out a press release on the day of the release of its “evaluation report” (which is in fact a monitoring exercise), which is delivered to the congress and the Governor. As previously discussed, evidence should not only be accessible to the public and policy-makers, but should also be presented in a strategic way and driven by the evaluation’s purpose and the information needs of intended users.

In order to tailor evaluation evidence to different publics, the council may wish to develop a communication strategy to adapt the way research findings are presented to their potential users. In particular, the council may wish to elaborate a communication strategy tailored to civil servants and decision makers in the state public administration to ensure greater uptake of its evaluations within the administration. Such a strategy could include the use of infographics, tailored synthesis of research evidence (for example in the form of executive summaries, which are especially useful for decision-makers), and dissemination of ‘information nuggets’ through social media and seminars to present research findings, etc. (OECD, 2016[43]) (OECD, 2018[54]).

Such tailored communication and dissemination strategies, which increase access to clearly presented research findings, are very important for use. An interesting example is the UK What Works Centre, which includes the Education Endowment Foundation, the Early Intervention and the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, which produces a range of policy briefs to disseminate key messages to its target audience. Box 4.10 below presents CONEVAL’s use of infographics and story-telling to present evaluation results and their impact on citizens, which is another tool that the council could consider developing on its website.

While individual competencies are important, formal organisations and institutional mechanisms lay the foundation for evidence-informed policy making that can withstand transitions between leadership (Results for America, 2017[56]). The use of evaluations is intimately linked to organisational structures and systems, insofar as they create a fertile ground for the meeting of evaluation supply and demand.

Institutional or organisational mechanisms that enable the creation of an evaluation marketplace can be found either at the level of specific institutions, such as management response mechanisms, or within the wider policy cycle, such as through the incorporation of policy evaluation findings into the budget cycle or discussions of findings at the highest political level. As will be discussed in the following section, the state of Nuevo León could consider implementing or strengthening such mechanisms to promote the uptake of its evaluation results.

Incorporation of evaluation findings in the budgetary cycle is one of the most commonly used mechanisms in promoting the use of evaluations (OECD, 2020[1]). Indeed, the evidence resulting from evaluations can be used in a more or less systematic manner in the budgetary cycle depending on the model of performance budgeting adopted (presentational, performance informed, managerial, direct performance budgeting). In most OECD countries, performance evidence is included in the budget cycle according to one of the first three approaches. Some countries, such as Denmark, the Netherlands or Germany, conduct ad hoc spending reviews to inform certain allocation decisions every year. At the Mexican state level, all federal entities, such as Sinaloa, Coahuila and Tamaulipas have legal provisions for using evaluation results in budgetary decisions (CONEVAL, 2017[2]).

In Nuevo León, the policy evaluations conducted by the council could also be used, as part of budgetary discussions in congress, to inform Nuevo León’s budget decisions. For instance, the council’s policy and programme evaluations could be included as an annex in the main budget document, when relevant. Greater tracking of budgetary programme spending by the state public administration would also allow Nuevo León to conduct spending reviews, which could be informed by the evaluation results.

The state public administration and the council could also consider discussing evaluation results at the highest political level. In Korea, for instance, in the context of the “100 Policy Tasks” five-year Plan, evaluation results are discussed at the Council of Ministers. Other countries have set-up specific committees or councils, most often at the centre of government, in order to follow-up on the implementation of policy evaluations and/or discuss their findings. The Brazilian Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of Federal Public Policies is an example of such committee, which brings together high-level representatives from the executive (Presidency of the Republic, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, and the Ministry of Transparency) and from the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU).

Discussions concerning the implementation of evaluation findings could be held within the council, bringing together high-level representatives from the administration and a variety of sectors. Members of the council, including representatives from the executive would be able to exchange on the use of the evaluation results produced. The executive representatives could then present the conclusions of these discussions to the state administration, by organising a second round of discussions with high-level political representatives. These discussions could focus on the implementation of recommendations from the council evaluations and the follow-up on this implementation. Such discussions could thus be organised on a systematic rather than an ad hoc basis.

Outside the executive, congress could also play a key role in promoting the use of evaluation evidence. In addition to ensuring state accountability, congress also has the potential to develop a more structured and systematic approach for using evaluations (OECD, 2020[1]). For instance, it has been shown that parliaments have been instrumental in increasing evaluation use by: promoting the use of evaluative evidence in the budgetary cycle by requiring more performance data on government spending, introducing evaluation clauses into laws, and commissioning evaluations at the committee level in the context of hearings (Jacob, Speer and Furubo, 2015[57]). For instance, OECD data shows that 21 member countries incorporate findings from evaluations into the budget cycle (OECD, 2020[1]). Some countries, such as Denmark, the Netherlands or Germany, conduct spending reviews to inform spending allocation decisions every year. In Nuevo León, article 22 of the Strategic Planning Law stipulates that the evaluation report of the Strategic Plan is sent to congress and that the executive will communicate to this same body the actions it intends to take following the recommendations of the council. This provision constitutes an important step in promoting evidence-informed policy-making in the state of Nuevo León, which would be useful to pursue should the Strategic Planning Law be modified or a new law be adopted. Nuevo León could consider updating the Strategic Planning law to stipulate that the evaluations that are done at the request of the state public administration should be shared with Congress for information.

  • Adopt a comprehensive definition of evaluation applicable to whole-of-government. This could entail updating the regulations for the Strategic Planning law to specify that this definition is applicable to all public initiatives, including the strategic plan. The Strategic Planning Law could also be updated as well to include this definition.

  • Establish a clear schedule for the evaluation activities of the Strategic Plan, which specifies how many and which programmes and policies are going to be evaluated, the evaluator (what competences they must have, whether they are internal to the council or external to the council), and when and how the evaluation should be conducted.

  • Update the council’s mandate to evaluate the Plan:

    • Update Article 19 of the Strategic Planning Law by replacing the yearly timeline with one that is based on the evaluation types to be carried out and their corresponding stages in the Strategic Plan (design, implementation, results and impact).

    • Update Article 19 of the Strategic Planning Law by mentioning that the evaluation of the Plan should be carried out according to a specific methodology, that facilitates learning and understanding of what works and why (see below).

  • Develop a policy document framing the evaluation activities for the council. The policy document could include:

    • (i) A description of the different types of evaluation (i.e. design, process and impact evaluations) to be carried out with regard to different stages of the Plan and the type of policy initiative to be evaluated (policy, programme, etc.). This description could account for the evaluations already planned in the annual evaluation plan of the Secretariat of Finance in order to avoid being redundant.

    • (ii) A timeline specifying when each of these types of evaluation should be carried out (i.e. during the design, implementation and after the implementation of the Plan)

    • (iii) Whether the evaluation will be done at the request of the state public administration and thus require formal follow-up, within a specific time frame, from the state public administration on the recommendations

    • iv) The resources (human and financial) dedicated to the evaluation, including whether the council will consider externalising the evaluation.

  • Develop explicit and systematic quality assurance mechanisms within the council to ensure the credibility of the evaluation process, such as:

    • Developing quality standards for the evaluation process. These should build on the existing regulations for the Consolidation of a Results-Based Budget and the Performance Evaluation System and include competence requirement for evaluators. These standards can also spell-out the specific methodologies for carrying out these different types of evaluation (i.e. data collection and evaluation methods).

    • Developing appropriate evaluation competencies, for instance through:

      • Relying on external evaluators’ competences, and particularly universities and research centres, in the medium term and identifying competence requirements for such evaluators;

      • Developing competencies to conduct in-house evaluations of the council by offering trainings (for example for the commissioners and technical secretariat staff) and hiring staff with the appropriate technical skills to conduct evaluations;

      • Fostering a network of evaluators, and considering the provision of trainings to the state public administration on evaluation as part of this network.

  • Develop explicit and systematic quality control mechanisms to ensure that the evaluation design, planning, delivery and reporting are properly conducted to meet pre-determined quality criteria, such as:

    • Submitting evaluations produced by the council to peer reviews by experts (e.g. academics) before they are published;

    • Conducting meta-evaluations;

    • Designing self-evaluation checklists for evaluators to control the quality of their work.

  • Review the composition of commissions to balance the voices of stakeholders, particularly to strengthen the voice of civil society relative to that of the public sector, since citizens, as the ultimate end-users of the Strategic Plan, are the most important stakeholder to involve in the evaluation.

  • Continue to strengthen the role of internal stakeholders (within the commissions) and external stakeholders throughout the whole evaluation process. From early on, invite them to take part in the evaluation launch. During the drafting of the evaluation report and the recommendations, invite them to provide their opinion and suggestions, which should subsequently be considered. Lastly, when the evaluation is published, send it directly to stakeholders and organise a discussion about it with them.

  • Continue publishing evaluation reports on the council’s website, while including an executive summary of the evaluation (including its objective, scope, methods, results, etc.) (see strategy below).

  • Elaborate a communication strategy to adapt the way in which research findings are presented to their potential users. Such a strategy could include the use of infographics, tailored synthesis of research evidence (for example in the form of executive summaries, which are especially useful for decision-makers), dissemination of ‘information nuggets’ through social media and seminars to present research findings, etc. (OECD, 2016[43]) (OECD, 2018[54]). In particular, develop a communication strategy tailored to civil servants and decision makers in the state public administration to ensure greater uptake of its evaluations within the administration.

  • Incorporate evaluation results into the budgetary cycle through the implementation of impact and performance evaluations to inform budget decisions (and/or to inform the spending reviews used in the budget cycle).

  • Discussing evaluation results at the highest political level by systematically holding discussions within the state public administration after reception of the evaluation report, as well as within the Council’s commissions.

  • Holding systematic discussions on evaluation results within congress once the report has been received.


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