Slovak Republic

The Slovak Republic reports that there is no quantitative target for the size of the official development assistance (ODA) portfolio addressing climate and the environment, the reason being that such focus has consistently not been allowed for by long-term comparative advantages of the Slovak Republic, which are found in other sectors.

The 2019-2023 Medium-term Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Development Co-operation is aligned with the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement and the New European Consensus on Development (Our World, Our Dignity, and Our Future from 2017). Support for activity having a negative impact on the environment is ruled out by the Strategy.

Development co-operation of the Slovak Republic has four strategic objectives. Objective 3 is defined as:

Improving the environment of people living in partner countries through various measures aimed at mitigating climate change, supporting sustainable use of natural resources, supporting effective water and forest management, securing access to water and sanitation, and supporting energy security and use of renewable energy sources.

As stipulated in the Strategy, the crosscutting theme of the “Environment and climate change” is implemented across the development co-operation portfolio of the Slovak Republic. This includes supporting mitigation of climate change; strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change and increasing the resilience of ecosystems; protecting nature, biodiversity and land; monitoring the environment; and supporting the protection and sustainable use of natural resources.

The Slovak Republic has not undertaken developing any sectoral strategies in conducting development co-operation.

Key provisions and pillars include:

  • guidance for project applicants and decision makers

  • regular public outreach on required standards and recommended approaches for compliance

  • an obligatory compliance checklist for applicants

  • optional key performance indicators for environmentally oriented co-operation projects

  • inclusion of environmental impacts in the content of project monitoring.

Development co-operation project proposals are screened to comply with “do no harm” standards on climate and the environment, and projects supporting the UNFCCC goals on climate mitigation, adaptation, and prevention of desertification as well as on the protection of biodiversity are encouraged.  

Guidelines for Integrating the Environment and Climate Change as a Crosscutting Issue in Development Co-operation Instruments of the Slovak Republic, are being drawn up within the framework of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (SK-MFEA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partnership project (to be published). 

Instructions for applicants regarding alignment and screening are published on line at the SlovakAid website:

More specific internal procedures for environmental risk assessment are in the process of being developed, and have previously been applied more generally.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) processes happen mostly through reviewing the project accounting records and carrying out specialised monitoring visits.

This approach is piloted at the project level in two of the priority countries (Georgia and the Republic of Moldova) and is incorporated into mutually agreed Country Strategy Papers (to be published). It focuses selectively on water and wastewater management.

The Slovak Republic did not report activities in this area.

These objectives are incorporated in relevant development co-operation calls for proposals as one among the elective co-operation objectives that are eligible under such calls.

Additionally, specific development co-operation modality for technical assistance (called “Sharing Slovak Expertise”) provides demand-driven assistance to public sector applicants in partner countries, which is frequently employed in support for transition policies and reforms.

A sectoral priority on “Infrastructure and sustainable use of national resources” is available as an eligible development co-operation objective in most calls for proposals addressing most eligible partner countries of SlovakAid. This priority seeks alignment and tangible contributions to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 7, 11 and 15, while also requiring compliance with the crosscutting objective on climate action (SDG 13).

Projects under this priority address action on water management; integrated management of water and other natural resources; protecting and restoring dwindling water resources; supply of safe drinking water; treatment and management of wastewater; increasing environmental awareness; energy security and use of alternative sources of energy; sustainable development of living areas; increasing resilience to natural disasters, including climate change; land protection; reversing land degradation and desertification; halting biodiversity loss; protecting and restoring ecosystems and their services; and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems.

The Quality Infrastructure Principles are not directly implemented. They are implicitly consulted for the purpose of assessing certain projects according to certain selection criteria related to effectiveness and sustainability, mostly for investment projects.

Pursuant to the 2019-2023 Medium-term Strategy of the Slovak Republic for International Development Co-operation, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are not included among target groups or objectives of the Slovak Republic’s development co-operation.

The Slovak Republic did not report activities in this area.

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