El Salvador

El Salvador continues to progress in enhancing digital access and use for all, but a digital gap remains. Despite improvements, active mobile broadband subscriptions in 2018 were below Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) averages, while Internet users represented 33.8% of the population, compared with 62.9% in LAC and 83.4% in the OECD in 2017. More progress is needed in enhancing trust in the digital ecosystem. In particular, trust in online privacy and the Global Cybersecutiry Index are below LAC and OECD averages.

El Salvador’s performance in enabling digital innovation remains subdued. Despite increased research and development expenditures between 2007 and 2016, information and communications technology (ICT) patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) remain low.

The Digital Agenda 2020-2030 is the main reference document for the development and digital transformation of El Salvador. The digital agenda (DA) details a set of actions that seek to integrate all actors that participate in the development of the country through innovation and the application of ICT. It lays out a ten-year plan for the digital transformation. Its four main streams of work are: digital identity; digital governance; state modernisation; and innovation, education and competitiveness. The DA is aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals and eight national strategic projects.

The Secretary for Innovation of the Presidency of the Republic manages, supervises and evaluates progress towards the implementation of the DA. Among other responsibilities, this recently created secretary is responsible for developing and implementing digital identity and electronic signature services based on the Unique Identity Number. For this purpose, information registration systems are being standardised through adoption of a single informatics system in the Register of Vital and Family Records.

Other planned projects include: achieving interoperable systems to facilitate exchange of digital information within public administration; integrating digital technologies into education curricula at all levels; and creating a regulatory framework for Fintech. The National Policy on Open Data, introduced in 2018, and the open data portal Datos.gob.sv are part of a government initiative to promote transparency and fight corruption. To mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19), the government approved measures to suspend payment of telecommunications services for three months. El Salvador also increased the use of telemedicine, enabling patients to consult their doctors from home (CAF, 2020).

In terms of international co-operation, El Salvador receives expert technical assistance on digital themes from the Uruguayan Agency of Electronic Government and Information Society. Projects aim to train public servants, promoting the digital transformation of government institutions. The country also participates in Proyecto Mesoamérica (Mesoamerica project), which seeks to promote the development of ICT infrastructure and public policies for the integration of ICT services.

El Salvador held the seventh Senior Officials Meeting on Science and Technology of the European Union (EU)-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation in October 2017. Countries highlighted the strategic relevance of research and innovation for implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and acknowledged the strategic policy inputs of bi-regional projects and programmes.


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