
Panama aims to shape an inclusive digital economy and stronger, more transparent administration with the use of digital tools. The country has made efforts to enhance digital access and use for all. Internet users, active mobile broadband and fixed broadband subscriptions increased in the last decade although regional, gender and age disparities remain a challenge. Panama rose in the E-Government Development Index from 0.47 in 2008 to 0.61 in 2018, which is below the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) average (0.65). The index measures national administrations’ willingness and capacity to use information and communications technology (ICT) to deliver public services. The UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index shows that the economy, despite being a regional hub, is slightly below the LAC average for online shopping.

In terms of enabling digital innovation, Panama performs below the LAC and OECD averages in several indicators including R&D expenditures (as a percentage of GDP), patents’ applications and the share of ICT service imports. In terms of promoting an inclusive digital society, relative to the LAC average, the country has a similar number of computers available to students.

Plan Estratégico del Gobierno 2019-2024 (Strategic Plan of the Government 2019-2024) and El Camino a un Ciudadano Digital (Digital Agenda 2020: The Journey towards a Digital Citizen) are the main reference documents for the development and digital transformation of Panama. These strategies highlight the need to move from e-government towards a fully digital government, following the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Digital Government Review of Panama (OECD, 2019c).

Digital policies primarily focus on establishing online processes for government entities. The modification of Law No. 83 of 2012 by Decree No. 275 of 2018 laid the groundwork for the implementation of electronic procedures and institutional interoperability. It focuses on promoting e-signature, data protection and updating information and services on Panamá Tramita (Panama processes) and Portal Nacional de Pagos (National payments portal). Panama processes catalogues the 2 700 central government procedures with citizens or businesses and the 1 463 with local government. In 2019, Panama also adopted a personal data protection law, which establishes the legal framework for interoperability and development of data centres for cloud applications for public and private enterprises. Other initiatives include the modernisation of public procurement, aiming to achieve more transparent and efficient resource management through Panamá Compra (Panama buys), an e-procurement platform. Last, as part of Digital Agenda 2020, the country launched the Panama Digital Hub to turn the country into an international centre for digital innovation. To mitigate the social impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19), the Ministry of Education made education material available through the Educa Panamá (Educate Panama) portal and launched the Ester e-learning platform. The National Directorate of Informatics is responsible for surveying how many students have access to mobile devices and the Internet (CAF, 2020). However, despite these efforts, due to the lack of Internet access and electricity there are concerns that inequalities can be exacerbated with the Covid-19 crisis.

In terms of international co-operation, Panama collaborates with other LAC countries through the eLAC group. The eLAC’s 2020 Digital Agenda addresses the development of digital communication, encouraging the implementation of plans in remote areas and promoting digital technologies that respond to natural disasters. The agenda endorses use of technologies for sustainable development by promoting convergent use of various types of emerging technologies in public policies and digital service design. Panama is also part of the Commission for Scientific and Technological Development in Central America and Panama, which encourages links among countries’ national science and technology bodies to generate scientific policy and develop a regional science, technology and innovation strategic plan.

Panama also collaborates with the European Union on the Information Systems Programme for Food and Nutrition Security Resilience in the Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (Central American Integration System) region. It contributes to the process of Central American integration and aims to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to hunger and food security. In 2019, Panama City hosted a TAIEX workshop to foster co-operation on Copernicus satellite applications, which aimed to contribute to establishing Copernicus as a global practice and promote the uptake of Copernicus data globally in order to maximise its societal value in solving global challenges.


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