Other Official Providers not Reporting to the OECD

The scope of Brazilian South-South and trilateral co-operation has expanded and facilitated regional, sub-regional and interregional integration; provided innovative approaches for collective actions; and strengthened its contribution to sustainable development in its three dimensions (social, economic and environmental). Brazilian co-operation is implemented under principles that include respect for national sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and non-conditionality. These principles were reiterated in 2019 at the Second United Nations High-Level Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40).

Brazilian South-South co-operation includes initiatives in agriculture, public health, food and nutritional security, social development, science and technology, education, energy, industry, trade, justice, environment, public safety and security, and employment. Brazil has developed projects in most Latin American and Caribbean countries; with the Community of Portuguese Language Countries and its members in Africa and Asia; as well as with countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Brazilian South-South co-operation operates under bilateral, trilateral and regional formats. It includes knowledge-sharing, capacity building, humanitarian co-operation, scholarships and technological development. For Brazil, trilateral co-operation is not a new modality, as it is well-established as a regular tool in its development co-operation.

Brazil is one of the five key partners of the OECD and has actively engaged with different OECD bodies and activities in the past two decades. Brazil adhered to the OECD Recommendation of the Council for Development Co-operation Actors on Managing the Risk of Corruption and the OECD-DAC Recommendation on Good Pledging Practice and participated in the 2019 DAC Senior-level Meeting and the LAC-DAC Dialogue on Development Co-operation.

According to OECD estimates, in 2019, Brazil’s contributions to international organisations reached USD 148.4 million, down from USD 316 million in 2017. Most of these multilateral contributions were directed to the United Nations system. Brazil’s 2019 bilateral co-operation figures were not yet available at the time of writing this profile.

According to the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, Brazil's international development co-operation reached a total of USD 2.1 billion in  the 2017-18 biennium, advancing co-operation activities with 83 partner countries. Brazilian contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 274.5 million in 2018, USD 195.3 million in 2017 and USD 840.5 million in 2016 (IPEA and ABC, 2020).


IPEA and ABC (2020), Relatório Cobradi: Dimensionamento de Gastos das Instituições da Administração Pública Federal na Cooperação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Internacional 2017-2018 [COBRADI Report: Scaling Spending of Federal Public Administration Institutions in Brazilian Cooperation for International Development 2017-2018] (in Portuguese), Institute for Applied Economic Research and Brazilian Cooperation Agency, Brasilia, www.abc.gov.br/imprensa/mostrarConteudo/1602.

In 2020, the Chilean Agency for International Development Cooperation (AGCID) celebrated its 30th anniversary with a global portfolio of programmes that extends beyond Latin America and the Caribbean to countries in Africa and Asia.

Having graduated from the DAC list of eligible countries to receive official development assistance (ODA) in 2017, Chile is increasing its development co-operation partnerships in line with its new status as a high-income country by supporting inclusive and sustainable development in partner countries. At the same time, Chile has devised a strategy aiming to mitigate the effects domestically of graduation from ODA eligibility and is playing a prominent role in international debates, including on “Development in Transition”, in partnership with countries in the region, the European Union, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Overall, Chile’s vision, policies and the 2015 International Development Co-operation Strategy are aligned with the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and Chilean foreign policy. Given its dual role as a development co-operation provider and beneficiary country, Chile also aims to build new strategic partnerships while continuing to benefit from co-operation to address its own domestic development gaps.

Chile joined the OECD in 2010. Chile adheres to the OECD Recommendation of the Council for Development Co-operation Actors on Managing the Risk of Corruption and the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development. In 2019, Chile co-chaired the LAC-DAC Dialogue on Development Co-operation and participated in the DAC Senior-level Meeting.

According to OECD estimates, in 2019, Chile’s international development co-operation reached USD 31 million, up from USD 26.7 million in 2018. Bilateral figures are based on Chile’s reporting to Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) on its cross-border resources to developing countries. Of this, Chile’s contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 24.1 million and were channelled through the United Nations system. Chile’s bilateral co-operation reached USD 6.9 million in 2018.

According to AGCID, Chile’s budget for outgoing co-operation was USD 7.1 million in 2019, of which 42.5% went to bilateral and triangular technical co-operation activities and 57.5% went to human capital development (e.g. scholarships).

The establishment of the China International Development Co-operation Agency (CIDCA) in 2018 changed the domestic governance model of development co-operation in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”). This institutional evolution is also an acknowledgement that the country has become a major official provider of development co-operation. As a key national entity, CIDCA is in charge of formulating strategic aid guidelines, plans and policies for foreign aid; co-ordinating and offering advice on major foreign aid issues; advancing the country’s reforms in matters related to foreign aid; and identifying and evaluating major programmes of development co-operation (Government of China, 2018). In April 2021, Mr. Zhaohui Luo was appointed as the new Head of CIDCA.

In January 2020, China launched a new foreign aid emblem, “China aid for shared future”, which reflects a more active foreign policy for China in the field of foreign aid. The new emblem has been actively used during the COVID-19 pandemic to distribute medical equipment and medical supplies and dispatch medical experts. In January 2021, China’s State Council published a new White Paper on International Development Cooperation in the New Era, which describes China’s approach to development co-operation, stressing China’s role as a developing country and its focus on South-South co-operation. It also provides some examples of aid projects.

China has been providing aid to developing countries since its foundation and for decades had followed theEight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries. Since 2012, the country has progressively stepped up its development co-operation, setting up specialised institutions, such as the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund in 2015 and the new agency, CIDCA, in 2018.

According to OECD estimates, in 2019, China’s international development co-operation reached USD 4.8 billion, up from USD 4.5 billion in 2018. Chinese contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 1.6 billion. These were primarily channelled through regional development banks (59.6%) – especially the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – and to the United Nations (35.5%).


Government of China (2020), White Paper on Fighting COVID-19: China in Action, State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, http://en.cidca.gov.cn/pdf/FullTextFightingCOVID-19ChinainAction.pdf.

Government of China (2018), “Administrative measures for foreign aid”, China International Development Cooperation Agency, Beijing, consultation draft.

India’s approach to development co-operation is embedded in its foreign policy and stresses solidarity with developing countries. The most fundamental principle in India’s development co-operation is respecting its partners’ priorities and showing solidarity with other developing countries. Depending on the priorities of its partner countries, India’s development co-operation ranges from commerce to culture, energy to engineering, health to housing projects, information technology to infrastructure, sports to science, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance to restoration and preservation of cultural and heritage assets (MEA, 2021).

The focus of India’s development assistance has been on countries in its immediate neighbourhood (under the slogan of “putting Neighbourhood first”). However, India is also expanding its development co-operation to countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. India’s development co-operation is managed through the Development Partnership Administration within the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Finance manages multilateral assistance and exercises administrative oversight over the concessional loans and credit lines provided by the EXIM Bank.

India is also engaged in triangular co-operation, partnering with several international organisations and Development Assistance Committee members, such as Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States and others.

According to OECD estimates, India’s international development co-operation reached USD 1.6 billion in 2019, up from USD 1.3 billion in 2018. India’s contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 420.1 million. These were primarily channelled through regional development banks (66%) – mainly the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – as well as through the United Nations (19%) and the World Bank Group (10%).


MEA (2021), “Development partnerships”, web page, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, https://www.mea.gov.in/development-partnership.htm.

Indonesia has made development co-operation one of its priorities to advance sustainable development both at home and abroad, as well as to advance progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, strengthened development co-operation is seen as a means to optimise the country’s foreign policy.

Indonesia’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (NMTDP) 2020-2024 places emphasis on international development co-operation. Four strategies are envisaged to strengthen Indonesia’s development co-operation: 1) increasing new financing sources and mechanisms; 2) creating an enabling environment for private sector engagement in development co-operation; 3) enhancing South-South and triangular co-operation for trade and investment; and 4) strengthening institutions for aid and international development co-operation. The three main themes of Indonesia’s development co-operation are development, economic issues, and good governance and peacebuilding. They are implemented through technical co-operation programmes, training and workshops, seminars and knowledge-sharing.

Indonesia channels funds through multilateral organisations and collaborates with several bilateral donors, United Nations agencies and multilateral development banks under a triangular co-operation framework to provide technical assistance and knowledge transfer to developing countries. Indonesia also engages in triangular co-operation with Development Assistance Committee members. With the OECD, Indonesia engages in exchanges of experiences on strengthening ecosystems for development co-operation and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through South-South and triangular co-operation.

According to OECD estimates, Indonesia’s international development co-operation reached USD 157 million in 2019, up from USD 139 million in 2017. The OECD estimates include information that Indonesia provided to the OECD in 2019 for the pilot on Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD). Indonesia’s contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 141.4 million. These were primarily channelled through regional development banks (83%) – mainly the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – and through the United Nations (17%).

Indonesia estimates that between 2016 and 2019, its development co-operation financing reached a cumulative total of USD 989.27 million. The funds were channelled as capital contributions to multilateral organisations (77%), mainly the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which received the largest share (83%); the Islamic Development Bank; the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector; the International Fund for Agricultural Development; and the International Development Association. The remaining 23% was channelled through international organisations and South-South and triangular co-operation.

South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s (DIRCO) African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund (ARF) Strategic Plan 2020-2025 emphasises co-operation with the African continent and strengthening South-South relations, focusing on conflict resolution and creating conditions in which socio-economic development can take place.

The priority sectors of its bilateral development co-operation are peace, security, post-conflict r3econstruction, regional integration, governance and humanitarian assistance. South Africa provides its bilateral development co-operation mainly in the form of technical co-operation.

South Africa focuses its South-South and triangular co-operation on the Southern African Development Community member countries. South Africa engages in triangular co-operation, partnering with several Development Assistance Committee members, such as Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United States, to support other African countries in areas such as governance, public security and post-conflict reconstruction.

South Africa adheres to the OECD Recommendation of the Council for Development Co-operation Actors on Managing the Risk of Corruption. Since 2007, South Africa has been one of the five Key Partners to the OECD, contributing to the OECD’s work comprehensively, with active participation in different OECD activities.

According to OECD estimates, South Africa’s international development co-operation reached USD 106 million in 2019, decreasing from USD 111 million in 2018. South Africa’s contributions to multilateral organisations totalled USD 71.3 million. These were primarily channelled through the African Union (37%), the United Nations (24%) and regional development banks (32%).

According to the African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund Strategy Plan 2020-2025, between 2015 and 2020, 49% of ARF allocations were directed to humanitarian assistance-related support, 9% to democracy and good governance, and 4% to conflict resolution. The plan for 2020-25 indicates a downward trend in fiscal allocations to various government departments, including the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, foreseeing the need to prioritise its allocations and maximise the impact of its interventions.

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